GoogleDrive notify listener failure

By checking the rclone log i see some of the following entries, one or more ERRORs followed after an INFO notification.

2019/02/10 18:21:51 INFO : Google drive root ‘media’: Change notify listener failure: Get dial tcp [2a00:1450:4007::]:443: connect: cannot assign requested address
2019/02/10 18:22:04 ERROR : kali-linux-2018-4-amd64-iso/kali-linux-2018.4-amd64.iso: ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 1/10: open file failed: Get dial tcp [2a00:1450:4007::]:443: connect: cannot assign requested address

Is this some kind of normal errors, which can happen? Or should i react in any kind?

What is the OS? Those look like networking errors on your machine related back to the IPV6 stack not being able to make a connection.

uname -o
cat /etc/debian_version

IPv6 is disabled.
Scaleway machine.

doesn’t seem it is as that’s a google IPV6 address it is trying to connect to which might be the problem?