Google sent me this email about API being shut down?

Hello Google+ Developer,
The email below contains your most recent usage of Google+ APIs. Note: It includes Google+ OAuth scope requests, which are also affected by the Google+ shutdown. A prior email sent to active API callers did not include information about OAuth requests. One final reminder email will be sent in February to users who still have active API or OAuth request activity.
What do I need to know?

On March 7, 2019, all Google+ APIs and Google+ Sign-in will be shut down completely. This will be a progressive shutdown, with API calls starting to intermittently fail as early as January 28, 2019, and OAuth requests for Google+ scopes starting to intermittently fail as early as February 15, 2019.
What do I need to do?

Please update your projects listed below by March 7, 2019 and ensure they are no longer using Google+ APIs, or requesting Google+ OAuth scopes. The data below shows which Google+ API methods your projects have recently called, as well as Google+ OAuth scopes it has requested.
Note: If you see calls to people.get, these can be the result of using the Google+ Sign-In feature in your application, which is now fully deprecated and is being shut down. Developers should migrate from the Google+ Sign-In feature to the more comprehensive Google Sign-in authentication system.
Project Google+ API Name Version Method or OAuth Scope
Netdrive 3 (netdrive-3-225219)
OAuth N/A,

so not sure exactly what this means but does it mean we wont be able to use our own API KEY?

It’s the old Google Plus + API. I’m guessing you aren’t using it as you are using the Google Drive API with rclone.

i just re did the API with Netdrive same time as Rclone … hmm not sure on how to update that