@asdffdsa Thanks for the reply, although not really what I was asking.
That message is displayed in the DEBUG output so I kinda knew that.
It's annoying having to do that every week 15+ times (although I never actually do that as I forget and only realise when I come to do something and the error pops up)
My question was about sharing the credentials across multiple config files, and also across multiple remotes setup in the config files.
@ncw Maybe you'd have some time to share some knowledge/thoughts on this question?
There's no issue sharing configs as I do that all the time.
If you are renewing once a week, it would an issue with the the client ID/secret you have setup or something else changed. Sharing a Google config is no issues.
Oh I am not renewing once a week, what I meant by that was I expect I would of needed to do that if I was using it every week. Some remotes are used very rarely, but when I seem to want to use them the token has expired, sometimes it can be several months between uses.
Thanks for the reply, it's definitely in production I just figured I was doing something I shouldn't just from a quote from you in my initial post.
I will do a reconnect command and see if it happens again.