Google Drive mounted for Plex, but REMUX files won't seek or resume (part way through)

the mount looks ok at reading the chunks of the file.
the issue could be lookups taking too long.

so, as a test i might try --vfs-refresh --read-only

Just tested, still doesn't want to resume or seek, but file plays from the start fine. I can't quite understand why its behaving this way.

what did you just test??

I tried the suggestion above

Any help is appreciated!

Have you added custom client_id to your gdrive config?

If yes and still problems then reproduce the issue running rclone mount with --log-level DEBUG and post ALL log file here. Without detailed info nobody can guess what might be wrong.

need to post the debug, so we can know what command you ran and the result...

for testing, i would simply the setup, without mergerfs, without plex.
just play the video(s) via a media player such as vlc.

And to make log file shorter maybe only mount one remote folder and not all your data, so instead

rclone mount googledecrypted:


rclone mount googledecrypted:path/to/specific/folder

I had a similar problem and it was related to my dns config on cloudflare. Are you using something like that in your setup?

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