Google Drive limit write or insert requests per second


I was reading through the google drive best practices and notice that google advices to avoid exceeding 3 requests per second of sustained write or insert requests.

The rate of Drive API write requests is limited—avoid exceeding 3 requests per second of sustained write or insert requests, per account.

As described in 6f71260 and in rclone docs the --tpslimit flag limits all HTTP transactions. So this option isn't optimal to avoid only write transactions. Whats your optinion?

I think it would be a good idea to implement this, because google says "This rate limit can’t be increased."


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Could this explain why it is taking forever to copy my Dropbox to GDrive using rclone on MacOS Ventura? How could I verify if there are API requests being exceeded or other HTTP level throttling? I'm not seeing API limits hit in me Google Project for rclone

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