Google Drive file types recognition problem


I love that rclone tries to download google docs and give them the correct file type.

However I am finding that with some files the file type is found, but the file is then ignored and not downloaded.

slideshow: Unknown export type “application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation” - ignoring
Catering first aid kit: Unknown export type “application/epub+zip” - ignoring
Cymuned community support: Unknown export type “application/epub+zip” - ignoring
Attendance sheet: Unknown export type “application/epub+zip” - ignoring
attendence record: Unknown export type “text/tab-separated-values” - ignoring`

running rclone sync “download” “google drive”: -v

I’m not sure how to get round it as a problem.

I think if you upgrade to v1.34 then it will recognise those types

Thank you. It works!

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