Google drive error 403

For my understanding educational team drives not get a default size limit, 150gb I think. Or another thing that could be happening is that they put a limit on a pool shared storage onto the educational team drives.

Are you administrator of your own workspace?
If yes, which plan have you got and how much space does it says you use on the admin panel?

Same error as eagleeyetom for me since 1 week aproximately with Teamdrive. I cannot upload anything, i always get 403 error "user ratelimitexceeded"
I can mount and use it for plex streaming.
Before it was working with conventional limits of 750gb uploaded/day.

No, I'm not an administrator. I have already pushed lots of data (about 4TB). Maybe Google Drive is under a maintenance or something? It's very weird.

No I doubt Google Drive beign under maintance, simply because when I bought the Workspace for myself and created a new shared drive it worked without any issue.
Just as I said, I think they're starting to roll out a limit on Educational Workspace shared pool space.

Just as Lairai posted:

Maybe the organization who owns your shared drives is reached the limit (or was set by their admin). Google is rolling out their new policies and limits on Google Workspace for Education. So many upload limits were applied recently.
Ignore if you are not the case.

If the issue is the 100GB quota per td, is there anything that would explain that I'm hitting the same error codes with a new td, trying to upload from a new Gmail account, with my own client id and secret ?

100gb quota only for edu td. non of that related to workspace

You mean 100GB quota for the total of all the drives? Or for a single drive? Because I'm far from 100GB in my case, and still am seeing the issue


I read, and it seems to imply 100 GB per shared drive, which does not explain why an almost empty shared drive throws me those same errors. But ok!

once across domain reach 100tb none of them can upload anything

Oh! Did not understand that from the post. Thanks for putting it clearly, appreciate it :slight_smile:
That also explains why some of the data I was able to copy, since copy does not take into the ratio. Thanks!

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