Google Drive - Auto Resume when Upload Quota Reached?

General Question -

Hey all - I did some reading on the forums and it seems like my best bet for google drive is to use the "--drive-stop-on-upload-limit" switch but how does rClone know to resume in 24 hours when the quota resets? Does it keep attempting eventually until this event occurs?

I have about 5TB of files I need to upload, so I know it won't complete in 24 hours even with 3Gigx3Gig internet speed as it'll hit the daily 750Gig upload limit in under an hour with sustained 250MiB/s speed that I typically get when uploading.


afaik, no, that flag will trigger a fatal error. rclone will exit, stop running, terminate with non-zero exit code.

but there is a workaround, to never hit that quota, to limit the bandwidth used by rclone
--bwlimit=8.5 or --bwlimit 8.5M:off

check out my post at