Google authentication fails with "config reconnect", but works with reconfigure

Using rclone 1.68.1 on Linux with Google drive (type=drive)

First off, this worked just fine in the past and at some point stopped workign without me changing anything in the config file.

The problem: after a few days, when trying to sync, I get the error message:

CRITICAL: Failed to create file system for destination "NAME:": couldn't find root directory ID: Get "": couldn't fetch token: invalid_grant: maybe token expired? - try refreshing with "rclone config reconnect NAME{YRXYK}:"

Trying to run the suggested command verbatim complains about the colon not being a valid character.

When I instead try to run rclone config reconnect NAME I get the error message:

Error: backend doesn't support reconnect or authorize

(As I said above, this always worked previously in the past)

Now when I just run rclone config and choose e) Edit existing remote, choose the remote and answer all options with the default values, the web URL for authentication is invoked in the browser exactly as rclone config reconnect NAME did in the past?

Why does rclone claim this is not supported and then does it, but in a much less convenient way?

'rclone config redacted'

type = drive
client_id = XXX
client_secret = XXX
scope = drive
token = XXX
team_drive = 

welcome to the forum,

rclone config reconnect NAME:

remote need a :, the colon character.

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Hmm but why does it suggest

try refreshing with "rclone config reconnect NAME{YRXYK}:"

in the error message? When I just copy paste that it complains about invalid characters so the natural reaction is to leave everything away starting with "{YRXYK}". Where does that "{YRXYK}" come from, what does it mean?

And why does it say show the error message Error: backend doesn't support reconnect or authorize when pasting without the colon, making it look as if it found the config, and not at all indicating a pure syntax problem?

I think using "NAME:" instead of "NAME:" will make it work, but the error messages and the way rclone reacts here is totally misleading in my opinion.

If it needs a colon, why not tell the user that it needs a colon (for whatever reason)?

  1. from the rclone docs
    If you supply extra configuration to a backend by command line flag, environment variable or connection string
    then rclone will add a suffix based on the hash of the config to the name of the remote

  2. run the command with -vv, for debug output and then, would see
    detected overridden config - adding "{abcde}" suffix to name