Getting multiple "client connection force closed via ClientConn.Close" errors with OneDrive

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I'm copying about 1000 files (sizing from a few Kb to ~20Mb, most around 5MB) to OneDrive and getting a lot of following errors:

2020/12/20 04:53:54 DEBUG : Cancelling multipart upload: Put "": http2: client connection force closed via ClientConn.Close
2020/12/20 04:53:54 DEBUG Cancelling multipart upload: Put "": http2: client connection force closed via ClientConn.Close
2020/12/20 04:53:54 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 1/10 (error Put "": write tcp> wsasend: Foi forçado o cancelamento de uma conexão existente pelo host remoto.)
2020/12/20 04:53:54 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 20ms

"Foi forçado o cancelamento de uma conexão existente pelo host remoto" in english is " An existing connection was forced close by remote host"

The interval between start upload and cancelling is short. Example (about 1 min):

2020/12/20 06:00:25 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/11226387 size 10485760
2020/12/20 06:00:25 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/21343444 size 10485760
2020/12/20 06:00:25 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/155125997 size 10485760
2020/12/20 06:01:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	    1.733G / 7.306 GBytes, 24%, 89.956 kBytes/s, ETA 18h2m48s
Errors:                 6 (retrying may help)
Checks:             35369 / 35369, 100%
Transferred:          611 / 980, 62%
Elapsed time:    5h39m3.6s
 *                               mame/ 46% /6.256M, 21.843k/s, 2m36s
 *                             mame/ 18% /10.706M, 36.498k/s, 4m6s
 *                            mame/  9% /20.355M, 38.705k/s, 8m7s
 *                            mame/  1% /147.940M, 55.663k/s, 44m38s

2020/12/20 06:01:46 DEBUG : mame/ Cancelling multipart upload:
2020/12/20 06:01:46 DEBUG : mame/ Cancelling multipart upload: 
2020/12/20 06:01:46 DEBUG : mame/ Cancelling multipart upload:

there are still other errors like "error 504 Gateway Timeout:"

Many files completes the upload but many others don't

Some months ago i uploaded with the same settings the complete set (12000 files) pretty fast and without issues. I also uploaded larger files (1 to 2GB each) without issues totaling 750GB of upload

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone v1.53.3

  • os/arch: windows/amd64
  • go version: go1.15.5

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Windows 10

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone sync -vv --log-file log-arcade.txt F:\roms\arcade OneDrive-luizamericop:emuroms/arcade

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = onedrive
token = {"access_token":"xx"}
drive_id = 123
drive_type = personal

A log from the command with the -vv flag

2020/12/20 00:22:17 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.53.3" starting with parameters ["rclone" "sync" "-vv" "--log-file" "log-arcade.txt" "F:\\roms\\arcade" "OneDrive-luizamericop:emuroms/arcade"]
2020/12/20 00:22:17 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "F:\\roms\\arcade"
2020/12/20 00:22:17 DEBUG : Using config file from "C:\\Users\\camar\\.config\\rclone\\rclone.conf"
2020/12/20 00:22:17 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "F:\\roms\\arcade" to be canonical "//?/F:/roms/arcade"
2020/12/20 00:22:17 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "OneDrive-luizamericop:emuroms/arcade"
2020/12/20 00:22:17 DEBUG : One drive root 'emuroms/arcade': Token expired but no uploads in progress - doing nothing
2020/12/20 00:22:17 DEBUG : OneDrive-luizamericop: Loaded invalid token from config file - ignoring
2020/12/20 00:22:18 DEBUG : Keeping previous permissions for config file: -rw-rw-rw-
2020/12/20 00:22:18 DEBUG : OneDrive-luizamericop: Saved new token in config file


2020/12/20 00:53:19 DEBUG : mame/xiistag/xiistag.chd: Size and modification time the same (differ by -376.3597ms, within tolerance 1s)
2020/12/20 00:53:19 DEBUG : mame/xiistag/xiistag.chd: Unchanged skipping
2020/12/20 00:53:23 DEBUG : mame/zgundmdx/zdx1dvd0.chd: Size and modification time the same (differ by -480.5114ms, within tolerance 1s)
2020/12/20 00:53:23 DEBUG : mame/zgundmdx/zdx1dvd0.chd: Unchanged skipping
2020/12/20 00:53:23 DEBUG : mame/zokuoten/zokuoten.chd: Size and modification time the same (differ by -465.8833ms, within tolerance 1s)
2020/12/20 00:53:23 DEBUG : mame/zokuoten/zokuoten.chd: Unchanged skipping
2020/12/20 00:53:23 DEBUG : mame/zgundm/zga1dvd0.chd: Size and modification time the same (differ by -307.1288ms, within tolerance 1s)
2020/12/20 00:53:23 DEBUG : mame/zgundm/zga1dvd0.chd: Unchanged skipping
2020/12/20 00:53:24 DEBUG : mame/zooo/zooo.chd: Size and modification time the same (differ by -387.9933ms, within tolerance 1s)
2020/12/20 00:53:24 DEBUG : mame/zooo/zooo.chd: Unchanged skipping
2020/12/20 00:53:24 DEBUG : mame/zortonbr/zortonbr.chd: Size and modification time the same (differ by -677.1824ms, within tolerance 1s)
2020/12/20 00:53:24 DEBUG : mame/zortonbr/zortonbr.chd: Unchanged skipping
2020/12/20 00:53:24 DEBUG : One drive root 'emuroms/arcade': Waiting for checks to finish
2020/12/20 00:53:24 DEBUG : One drive root 'emuroms/arcade': Waiting for transfers to finish
2020/12/20 00:53:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  173.468M / 6.112 GBytes, 3%, 97.869 kBytes/s, ETA 17h41m7s
Checks:             17651 / 17651, 100%
Transferred:            2 / 986, 0%
Elapsed time:      31m3.6s
 *                               mame/ /5.806M, 0/s, 0s
 *                               mame/ /4.308M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /5.724M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /9.255M, 1.085k/s, 0s

2020/12/20 00:53:38 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF
2020/12/20 00:53:38 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 2/10 (error 504 Gateway Timeout: )
2020/12/20 00:53:38 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 20ms
2020/12/20 00:54:19 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF
2020/12/20 00:54:19 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 2/10 (error 504 Gateway Timeout: )
2020/12/20 00:54:19 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 40ms
2020/12/20 00:54:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  173.468M / 6.112 GBytes, 3%, 94.737 kBytes/s, ETA 18h16m12s
Checks:             17651 / 17651, 100%
Transferred:            2 / 986, 0%
Elapsed time:      32m3.6s
 *                               mame/ /5.806M, 0/s, 0s
 *                               mame/ /4.308M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /5.724M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /9.255M, 23/s, 0s

2020/12/20 00:55:05 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF
2020/12/20 00:55:05 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 3/10 (error 504 Gateway Timeout: )
2020/12/20 00:55:05 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 80ms
2020/12/20 00:55:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  173.468M / 6.112 GBytes, 3%, 91.799 kBytes/s, ETA 18h51m17s
Checks:             17651 / 17651, 100%
Transferred:            2 / 986, 0%
Elapsed time:      33m3.6s
 *                               mame/ /5.806M, 0/s, 0s
 *                               mame/ /4.308M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /5.724M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /9.255M, 0/s, 0s

2020/12/20 00:56:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  173.468M / 6.112 GBytes, 3%, 89.039 kBytes/s, ETA 19h26m21s
Checks:             17651 / 17651, 100%
Transferred:            2 / 986, 0%
Elapsed time:      34m3.6s
 *                               mame/ /5.806M, 0/s, 0s
 *                               mame/ /4.308M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /5.724M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /9.255M, 0/s, 0s

2020/12/20 00:57:09 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF
2020/12/20 00:57:09 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 3/10 (error 504 Gateway Timeout: )
2020/12/20 00:57:09 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 160ms
2020/12/20 00:57:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  173.468M / 6.112 GBytes, 3%, 86.438 kBytes/s, ETA 20h1m26s
Checks:             17651 / 17651, 100%
Transferred:            2 / 986, 0%
Elapsed time:      35m3.6s
 *                               mame/ /5.806M, 0/s, 0s
 *                               mame/ /4.308M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /5.724M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /9.255M, 0/s, 0s

2020/12/20 00:57:39 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF
2020/12/20 00:57:39 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 4/10 (error 504 Gateway Timeout: )
2020/12/20 00:57:39 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 320ms
2020/12/20 00:57:42 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF
2020/12/20 00:57:42 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 3/10 (error 504 Gateway Timeout: )
2020/12/20 00:57:42 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 640ms
2020/12/20 00:57:56 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF
2020/12/20 00:57:56 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 2/10 (error 504 Gateway Timeout: )
2020/12/20 00:57:56 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 1.28s
2020/12/20 00:58:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  173.468M / 6.112 GBytes, 3%, 83.986 kBytes/s, ETA 20h36m31s
Checks:             17651 / 17651, 100%
Transferred:            2 / 986, 0%
Elapsed time:      36m3.6s
 *                               mame/ /5.806M, 0/s, 0s
 *                               mame/ /4.308M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /5.724M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /9.255M, 0/s, 0s

2020/12/20 00:59:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  173.468M / 6.112 GBytes, 3%, 81.670 kBytes/s, ETA 21h11m35s
Checks:             17651 / 17651, 100%
Transferred:            2 / 986, 0%
Elapsed time:      37m3.6s
 *                               mame/ /5.806M, 0/s, 0s
 *                               mame/ /4.308M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /5.724M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /9.255M, 0/s, 0s

2020/12/20 01:00:15 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF
2020/12/20 01:00:15 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 5/10 (error 504 Gateway Timeout: )
2020/12/20 01:00:15 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 2s
2020/12/20 01:00:25 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF
2020/12/20 01:00:25 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 4/10 (error 504 Gateway Timeout: )
2020/12/20 01:00:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  173.468M / 6.112 GBytes, 3%, 79.478 kBytes/s, ETA 21h46m40s
Checks:             17651 / 17651, 100%
Transferred:            2 / 986, 0%
Elapsed time:      38m3.6s
 *                               mame/ /5.806M, 0/s, 0s
 *                               mame/ /4.308M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /5.724M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /9.255M, 0/s, 0s

2020/12/20 01:00:37 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 6/10 (error Put "
2020/12/20 01:00:37 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 5/10 (error Put "
2020/12/20 01:00:37 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 4/10 (error Put "
2020/12/20 01:00:37 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 3/10 (error Put "
2020/12/20 01:01:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  173.468M / 6.112 GBytes, 3%, 77.399 kBytes/s, ETA 22h21m45s
Checks:             17651 / 17651, 100%
Transferred:            2 / 986, 0%
Elapsed time:      39m3.6s
 *                               mame/ /5.806M, 0/s, 0s
 *                               mame/ /4.308M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /5.724M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /9.255M, 0/s, 0s

2020/12/20 01:02:23 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 1.5s
2020/12/20 01:02:23 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 1.125s
2020/12/20 01:02:23 DEBUG : mame/ Cancelling multipart upload: Put "
2020/12/20 01:02:23 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 843.75ms
2020/12/20 01:02:23 DEBUG : mame/ Cancelling multipart upload: Put "
2020/12/20 01:02:23 DEBUG : mame/ Cancelling multipart upload: Put "
2020/12/20 01:02:23 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 7/10 (error Put "
2020/12/20 01:02:23 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 1.6875s
2020/12/20 01:02:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  173.468M / 6.112 GBytes, 3%, 75.428 kBytes/s, ETA 22h56m49s
Checks:             17651 / 17651, 100%
Transferred:            2 / 986, 0%
Elapsed time:      40m3.6s
 *                               mame/ /5.806M, 0/s, 0s
 *                               mame/ /4.308M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /5.724M, 0/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /9.255M, 0/s, 0s

2020/12/20 01:02:37 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 1.265625s
2020/12/20 01:02:37 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 949.21875ms
2020/12/20 01:02:37 ERROR : mame/ Failed to copy: Put "
2020/12/20 01:02:37 ERROR : mame/ Failed to copy: Put "
2020/12/20 01:02:37 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:02:37 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:02:38 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 711.914062ms
2020/12/20 01:02:38 ERROR : mame/ Failed to copy: Put "
2020/12/20 01:02:38 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:02:41 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 533.935546ms
2020/12/20 01:02:41 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/3159263 size 3159263
2020/12/20 01:02:41 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 400.451659ms
2020/12/20 01:02:41 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/6559456 size 6559456
2020/12/20 01:02:42 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 300.338744ms
2020/12/20 01:02:42 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/6559072 size 6559072
2020/12/20 01:03:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  179.878M / 6.112 GBytes, 3%, 76.271 kBytes/s, ETA 22h40m9s
Errors:                 3 (retrying may help)
Checks:             17651 / 17651, 100%
Transferred:            2 / 983, 0%
Elapsed time:      41m3.6s
 *                               mame/ /4.308M, 0/s, 0s
 *                             mame/ 79% /3.013M, 73.368k/s, 8s
 *                               mame/ 34% /6.256M, 66.979k/s, 1m2s
 *                              mame/ 29% /6.255M, 54.658k/s, 1m22s

2020/12/20 01:03:34 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 225.254058ms
2020/12/20 01:03:34 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 168.940543ms
2020/12/20 01:03:34 DEBUG : mame/ Cancelling multipart upload: Put "
2020/12/20 01:03:34 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 126.705407ms
2020/12/20 01:03:34 DEBUG : mame/ Cancelling multipart upload: Put "
2020/12/20 01:03:34 DEBUG : mame/ Cancelling multipart upload: Put "
2020/12/20 01:03:34 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 8/10 (error Put "
2020/12/20 01:03:34 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 253.410814ms
2020/12/20 01:03:48 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 190.05811ms
2020/12/20 01:03:48 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 142.543582ms
2020/12/20 01:03:48 ERROR : mame/ Failed to copy: Put "
2020/12/20 01:03:48 ERROR : mame/ Failed to copy: Put "
2020/12/20 01:03:48 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:03:48 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:03:49 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 106.907686ms
2020/12/20 01:03:49 ERROR : mame/ Failed to copy: Put "
2020/12/20 01:03:49 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:03:50 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 80.180764ms
2020/12/20 01:03:50 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/11226387 size 10485760
2020/12/20 01:03:50 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 60.135573ms
2020/12/20 01:03:50 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/21343444 size 10485760
2020/12/20 01:03:50 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 45.101679ms
2020/12/20 01:03:50 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/155125997 size 10485760
2020/12/20 01:04:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  184.085M / 6.103 GBytes, 3%, 76.163 kBytes/s, ETA 22h39m7s
Errors:                 6 (retrying may help)
Checks:             17651 / 17651, 100%
Transferred:            2 / 980, 0%
Elapsed time:      42m3.6s
 *                               mame/ /4.308M, 0/s, 0s
 *                             mame/ 12% /10.706M, 42.819k/s, 3m42s
 *                            mame/  6% /20.355M, 43.482k/s, 7m26s
 *                            mame/  0% /147.940M, 42.948k/s, 58m14s

2020/12/20 01:04:53 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 1/10 (error Put "
2020/12/20 01:04:53 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 90.203358ms
2020/12/20 01:04:53 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 9/10 (error Put "
2020/12/20 01:04:53 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 180.406716ms
2020/12/20 01:04:53 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 1/10 (error Put "
2020/12/20 01:04:53 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 360.813432ms
2020/12/20 01:04:53 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 1/10 (error Put "
2020/12/20 01:04:53 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 721.626864ms
2020/12/20 01:05:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  189.429M / 6.103 GBytes, 3%, 76.519 kBytes/s, ETA 22h31m36s
Errors:                 6 (retrying may help)
Checks:             17651 / 17651, 100%
Transferred:            2 / 980, 0%
Elapsed time:      43m3.6s
 *                               mame/ /4.308M, 0/s, 0s
 *                             mame/ 31% /10.706M, 5.135k/s, 24m22s
 *                            mame/ 14% /20.355M, 4.527k/s, 1h5m18s
 *                            mame/  2% /147.940M, 4.703k/s, 8h45m33s

2020/12/20 01:06:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  189.429M / 6.103 GBytes, 3%, 74.750 kBytes/s, ETA 23h3m36s
Errors:                 6 (retrying may help)
Checks:             17651 / 17651, 100%
Transferred:            2 / 980, 0%
Elapsed time:      44m3.6s
 *                               mame/ /4.308M, 0/s, 0s
 *                             mame/ 31% /10.706M, 109/s, 19h31m21s
 *                            mame/ 14% /20.355M, 96/s, 52h18m29s
 *                            mame/  2% /147.940M, 100/s, 420h54m38s

2020/12/20 01:07:05 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 541.220148ms
2020/12/20 01:07:05 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 405.915111ms
2020/12/20 01:07:05 DEBUG : mame/ Cancelling multipart upload: Put "
2020/12/20 01:07:05 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 304.436333ms
2020/12/20 01:07:05 DEBUG : mame/ Cancelling multipart upload: Put "
2020/12/20 01:07:05 DEBUG : mame/ Cancelling multipart upload: Put "
2020/12/20 01:07:05 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 2/10 (error Put "
2020/12/20 01:07:05 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 608.872666ms
2020/12/20 01:07:19 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 456.654499ms
2020/12/20 01:07:19 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 342.490874ms
2020/12/20 01:07:19 ERROR : mame/ Failed to copy: Put "
2020/12/20 01:07:19 ERROR : mame/ Failed to copy: Put "
2020/12/20 01:07:19 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:07:19 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:07:19 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 256.868155ms
2020/12/20 01:07:19 ERROR : mame/ Failed to copy: Put "
2020/12/20 01:07:19 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:07:23 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 192.651116ms
2020/12/20 01:07:23 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/216 size 216
2020/12/20 01:07:23 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 144.488337ms
2020/12/20 01:07:23 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/1534 size 1534
2020/12/20 01:07:23 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 108.366252ms
2020/12/20 01:07:23 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/399 size 399
2020/12/20 01:07:25 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 81.274689ms
2020/12/20 01:07:25 DEBUG : mame/ SHA-1 = 1d510f66548e3b747e0ca571c7af8b1265c6eae0 OK
2020/12/20 01:07:25 INFO  : mame/ Copied (new)
2020/12/20 01:07:25 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:07:25 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  192.916M / 5.956 GBytes, 3%, 74.405 kBytes/s, ETA 22h34m47s
Errors:                 9 (retrying may help)
Checks:             17651 / 17651, 100%
Transferred:            3 / 977, 0%
Elapsed time:      45m3.6s
 *                            mame/ 21% /20.355M, 7.522k/s, 36m13s
 *                             mame/ /399, 79/s, 0s
 *                              mame/ /216, 43/s, 0s
 *                        mame/  0% /12.710k, 0/s, -

2020/12/20 01:07:25 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 60.956016ms
2020/12/20 01:07:25 DEBUG : mame/ SHA-1 = c90391f49af530e3e0f5173e4e49e3d7508cf97b OK
2020/12/20 01:07:25 INFO  : mame/ Copied (new)
2020/12/20 01:07:25 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:07:25 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 45.717012ms
2020/12/20 01:07:25 DEBUG : mame/ SHA-1 = 85bc316ce846bd414cc579d7b011973241369b80 OK
2020/12/20 01:07:25 INFO  : mame/ Copied (new)
2020/12/20 01:07:25 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:07:26 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 34.287759ms
2020/12/20 01:07:26 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/13015 size 13015
2020/12/20 01:07:27 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 25.715819ms
2020/12/20 01:07:27 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/15891 size 15891
2020/12/20 01:07:27 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 19.286864ms
2020/12/20 01:07:27 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/24371300 size 10485760
2020/12/20 01:07:29 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 14.465148ms
2020/12/20 01:07:29 DEBUG : mame/ SHA-1 = 87af4f6eefd8c4122e2a3dd3f3e117306111f8d6 OK
2020/12/20 01:07:29 INFO  : mame/ Copied (new)
2020/12/20 01:07:29 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:07:30 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 10.848861ms
2020/12/20 01:07:30 DEBUG : mame/ SHA-1 = 35d0eac19b9e0f525ae6a0db0801ad3fba501c31 OK
2020/12/20 01:07:30 INFO  : mame/ Copied (new)
2020/12/20 01:07:30 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:07:32 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 10ms
2020/12/20 01:07:32 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/22263772 size 10485760
2020/12/20 01:07:33 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/758032 size 758032
2020/12/20 01:07:37 DEBUG : mame/ Cancelling multipart upload: Put "
2020/12/20 01:07:37 DEBUG : mame/ Cancelling multipart upload: Put "
2020/12/20 01:07:37 DEBUG : mame/ Cancelling multipart upload: Put "
2020/12/20 01:07:37 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 3/10 (error Put "
2020/12/20 01:07:37 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 20ms
2020/12/20 01:07:39 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 15ms
2020/12/20 01:07:39 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 11.25ms
2020/12/20 01:07:39 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 10ms
2020/12/20 01:07:39 ERROR : mame/ Failed to copy: Put "
2020/12/20 01:07:39 ERROR : mame/ Failed to copy: Put "
2020/12/20 01:07:39 ERROR : mame/ Failed to copy: Put "
2020/12/20 01:07:39 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:07:39 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:07:39 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:07:39 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/1673 size 1673
2020/12/20 01:07:40 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/2671 size 2671
2020/12/20 01:07:40 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/758032 size 758032
2020/12/20 01:07:41 DEBUG : mame/ SHA-1 = 3c2bf18c4742c1e493052338285051f2e67d6c41 OK
2020/12/20 01:07:41 INFO  : mame/ Copied (new)
2020/12/20 01:07:41 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:07:41 DEBUG : mame/ SHA-1 = c03cdf2af9e8860b1db53401e0afd8276d2bf1e3 OK
2020/12/20 01:07:41 INFO  : mame/ Copied (new)
2020/12/20 01:07:41 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:07:42 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/94129 size 94129
2020/12/20 01:07:42 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/10695 size 10695
2020/12/20 01:07:45 DEBUG : mame/ SHA-1 = 77ee4f55d40ba16b32b9beeca86f5fb4dce1b0cc OK
2020/12/20 01:07:45 INFO  : mame/ Copied (new)
2020/12/20 01:07:45 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:07:46 DEBUG : mame/ SHA-1 = 69c227252dbf6b044ee711f320ace10ba3f16725 OK
2020/12/20 01:07:46 INFO  : mame/ Copied (new)
2020/12/20 01:07:46 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/60066586 size 10485760
2020/12/20 01:07:46 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:07:48 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/892895 size 892895
2020/12/20 01:08:04 DEBUG : mame/ SHA-1 = 14c4fc579d4f68cc182e57b850c6895f95606dc2 OK
2020/12/20 01:08:04 INFO  : mame/ Copied (new)
2020/12/20 01:08:04 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:08:07 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/409253 size 409253
2020/12/20 01:08:19 DEBUG : mame/ SHA-1 = 803025f193da71d73ff0efc8f5d1465f7098c050 OK
2020/12/20 01:08:19 INFO  : mame/ Copied (new)
2020/12/20 01:08:19 DEBUG : mame/ Starting multipart upload
2020/12/20 01:08:22 DEBUG : mame/ Uploading segment 0/773054 size 773054
2020/12/20 01:08:22 DEBUG : mame/ SHA-1 = 7c9a7f05a86ba91dfe2437ef2dec9b1ee28688f5 OK
2020/12/20 01:08:22 INFO  : mame/ Copied (new)

Looks like either OneDrive is having a service issue, a firewall is closing your connection along the way or OneDrive just plain throttling you.

You can try to reduce transfers/checkers and see if that helps.

I tried limiting transfers and checkers by using --check-first --checkers 4 --transfers 2

No luck. Still many errors.

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