Ftps handshake error

i have a problem with FTPS support in rclone, when ever try to run "rclone lsd connect:" i get

"Error while Dialing xxxxx: tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake"
"Failed to create file system for "ftp:": NewFs: ftpConnection Dial: tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake"

i think i have set it up right

this is my settings for the FTPs
type = ftp
host = domainhere
user = myuser
port =3215
pass = *** ENCRYPTED ***
tls = true
no_check_certificate = true

his is the output of "rclone version"
rclone v1.48.0

  • os/arch: linux/amd64
  • go version: go1.12.6

i have forwarded the right ports and when i try to connect with filezilla it works, but it does not work with rclone,

what could be the problem? any fix?


btw im on debian 9 if that matters :slight_smile:

This indicates to me that rclone is trying to connect to a port which isn't using TLS. rclone only supports implicit FTPS

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