FR: FUSE-T support for mounting volumes on Mac

Sure. I’ll do it this weekend

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I haven't had time to work on this. I am working through the required paperwork this week. Once it is approved, I will make a pull request.

Following this thread! I'm very eager to try FUSE-T to see if it might resolve the issue I described here, but I'm hesitant to do so until the following (upstream) bug is fixed:
Original Date/Time is changed when Copy / View

More info here and in the FUSE-T wiki:

File access and modification times cannot be set separately as it seems to be an issue with the NFS client which always modifies both. Can be reproduced with 'touch -m' and 'touch -a' commands

@jwink3101 I'm wondering if you've noticed this behavior (i.e. previewing a file in Finder changes its modtime)? If so, I might suggest that this should be added to the list of Known Issues in the forthcoming docs.

I also just want to second the request for an rclone serve nfs command! Among other things, it would make it possible to natively mount an rclone remote as a "Remote Folder" on a Synology NAS (the only supported protocols are NFS and CIFS) as opposed to just a "Remote Connection" (which supports FTP, SFTP, and WebDAV, but only via the DSM GUI and not when connecting to the NAS via SMB). (rclone mount also appears not viable on DSM 7 due to this issue.)

Hmm. I don’t think I have but it’s possible and I just haven’t noticed. If so, that really stinks and it means I’ve been doing a lot of unnecessary uploads!

I’ll get back to you

Dammit! This is happening!

Interestingly, the problems seems to be only when Finder is previewing the file. If I cat it in terminal, use open, or even have Finder in List mode, it doesn't affect it. But when it tries to preview, it gets updated.

Well this explains some odd backups I was getting!

Okay, back to plan B: rclone serve webdav. It means that ModTime is unreliably set on uploads but that is okay since that will still trigger a backup as needed. Or going back to the older OSXFuse but I am not sure I have the guts these days to install it on ARM.

Thanks for ruining my evening! (actually, sincerely thanks for pointing this out)

Darn. Sorry to ruin your evening -- certainly was not my intent! :slightly_smiling_face:

And also sorry to ruin your plans to document FUSE-T mounting, if I did... I still think that might be worth doing, as surely this bug will get fixed at some point, right? Or maybe there are some users who won't consider it a dealbreaker? The unicode normalization thing seems especially deserving of a docs mention, as a very non-obvious problem with an easy solution.

FWIW, I tried rclone serve webdav and found Finder's webdav integration to be pretty unstable (crashed Finder to the point of needing to restart my computer) and the ModTime issue sounds as bad to me as the FUSE-T issue we're running from... My plan B is to rclone serve sftp and use an sftp client like ForkLift instead of Finder, but if anyone has better ideas, I'm all ears.

While we're talking feature wishlists, rclone serve smb would be really handy for mac users, as Finder's SMB integration seems to be quite good (I use it with my Synology NAS and haven't had many issues.)

Interesting idea... I don't think there is a Go library for SMB. However there is a library for NFS (though this might fall into the same problems as FUSE-T since that is what it uses under the hood).

also a more advanced configuration can be found digging in this QuantaStor Virtual Storage Appliance which uses rclone to mount google drive as a ‘bucket’ that can be shared over SMB / NFS

Neat! Has anyone here tried it out? It looks like it runs rclone mount under the hood, and would still require fuse to be installed on the that right?

which are you referring to - Samba, NFS, or Quantastor?

edit: format

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