Folder & File Structure Copied with Dummy Files

I'm trying to create a catalog of various Shared Drives by preserving the folder structure and the file names (including extensions) without storing the actual files. The idea is to have each file be like a renamed text file that has virtually no file size. Is there any way to user clone to get this done? Alternatively, if clone cannot be used, I'd very much appreciate any ideas of how I could get this done.

Side note: NeoFinder is a great tool that gets the job done but it requires running the app and all folders and files can only be accessed from within it. If I could mount a NeoFinder catalog I'd just go down that route but I haven't found a way to do that.

have you tried rclone mount

Can I keep the cached directory location after I unmount the shared drive?

You could use rclone lsf to give you a listing of everything that is on the drives. It can output CSV files with as much detail as you want. Or use rclone lsjson

You could then write a script to create zero length files and folders if that was what you wanted, but I would have thought a file with everything in it would be more useful.

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