What is the problem you are having with rclone?
When I drag & drop a big (660 MB, but I tried bigger) file from one folder to the WebDAV mount folder, the shown progress either freezes at zero or immediately shows a huge (403 MB - impossible with my network connection so fast) amount of progress, stops at exactly this point even though network transfer is going at fast pace (see logs and I double-checked through monitoring network activity through Activity Monitor), and eventually Finder fails with the message "The operation can't be completed because the device disappeared."
Despite the error, mount is live and continues working.
I've tried restarting (not reloading) nginx, restarting computer with rclone (to reset macFUSE state if any), restarting rclone itself, and combinations of those, removing all remnants of the file I'm trying to copy from remote through ssh if anything left every time. Reproduces every time.
I've been monitoring the client_body_temp_path folder on remote via ssh while the transfer was shown as stalled in Finder before failing, and the file is there and is steadily growing, until eventually deleted. So it seems rclone is transferring the file, Finder misrepresents the progress, and then abruptly fails.
I did not find any specific (albeit big) size or longetivity of the transfer at which it fails.
I've tried
dd if=same_file of=mount/file bs=16M
cp same_file mount/
Similar problem.
As far as I'm concerned these should work just fine without caching.
I've tried
curl same/url/as/mounted/test.file --upload-file same_file -v
It works without issue.
Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.
rclone v1.68.1
- os/version: darwin 15.0.1 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 24.0.0 (arm64)
- os/type: darwin
- os/arch: arm64 (ARMv8 compatible)
- go/version: go1.23.1
- go/linking: dynamic
- go/tags: cmount
macFUSE 4.82 DMG from the official website
Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)
Self-hosted WebDAV (nginx 1.27.2 ngx_http_dav_module+ngx_http_dav_ext_module). Config excerpt:
server {
location *** {
alias ***;
auth_basic "closed site";
auth_basic_user_file htpasswd;
dav_access user:rw group:r all:r;
client_body_temp_path *** 1 2 3;
client_max_body_size 0;
dav_ext_methods PROPFIND OPTIONS;
The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp
rclone mount \
--daemon \
--log-file=*** \
--log-level=DEBUG \
--use-server-modtime \
--vfs-cache-mode=off \
--vfs-case-insensitive=false \
***: ***
I tried adding --direct-io.
The rclone config contents with secrets removed.
type = webdav
url = ***
vendor = other
user = ***
pass = ***
pacer_min_sleep = 0s
A log from the command with the -vv
rclone logs https://pastebin.com/raw/yMjufW31 (expires in a week)
It starts exactly at the log entry where I drop the file to the WebDAV folder.
I replaced repeated similar entries with ... and some names with ***.
The only relevant nginx logs
*** - *** [26/Oct/2024:03:16:34 +0000] "PUT /*** HTTP/2.0" 201 0 "***" "rclone/v1.68.1" "-"
*** - *** [26/Oct/2024:03:16:34 +0000] "PROPFIND /*** HTTP/2.0" 207 619 "***" "rclone/v1.68.1" "-"
*** - *** [26/Oct/2024:03:16:34 +0000] "DELETE /*** HTTP/2.0" 204 0 "***" "rclone/v1.68.1" "-"
*** - *** [26/Oct/2024:03:17:19 +0000] "PUT /*** HTTP/2.0" 201 0 "***" "rclone/v1.68.1" "-"
*** - *** [26/Oct/2024:03:17:19 +0000] "PROPFIND /*** HTTP/2.0" 207 627 "***" "rclone/v1.68.1" "-"