What is the problem you are having with rclone?
File appears to upload using rclone sync, but is not present afterwards. Repeatable. Works if the remote is a local drive, but fails in IDrive S3 cloud.
Is this an IDrive issue or my config?
Using encryption so unfortunately not so very readable but I reduced to two levels of sub-dirs.
Additional info: Afterwards,
folder r066bcq5jspunrvodla8eeb9p0 exists but is empty
folder ujd6heie8l38rofqk7fo0hg41s does NOT exist
Side notes (not the main problem):
- File is ~200MB. Was surprised it still uploaded in chunks (supposedly can upload 5GB in S3?!) Therefore my attempt to 'force' via command line options.
- Often, there are also notifications in the logs about a "operation error S3: AbortMultipartUpload, https response error StatusCode: 404, RequestID: ... api error NoSuchKey: The specified key does not exist." I am posting a clean log file first (file is still missing after sync ie problem is still there) and then a second log with this error, in case it helps !
Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.
rclone v1.68.1
- os/version: Microsoft Windows 10 Home 22H2 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 10.0.19045.5131 (x86_64)
- os/type: windows
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.23.1
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: cmount
Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)
IDrive S3 storage (fails), local drive (works)
The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp
rclone sync "Z:\Captures" "compressed:Backups/Captures" --multi-thread-cutoff=500M --s3-chunk-size=20M -vv
Please run 'rclone config redacted' and share the full output. If you get command not found, please make sure to update rclone.
type = compress
remote = trezor:
type = s3
provider = IDrive
env_auth = false
access_key_id = XXX
secret_access_key = XXX
acl = private
endpoint = w3x8.ca.idrivee2-26.com
server_side_encryption = aws:kms
type = crypt
remote = idrive-remote:bucket
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = XXX
password2 = XXX
server_side_across_configs = false
no_data_encryption = false
A log from the command that you were trying to run with the -vv
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.68.1" starting with parameters ["rclone" "sync" "Z:\\Captures" "compressed:Backups/Captures" "--multi-thread-cutoff=500M" "--s3-chunk-size=20M" "-vv"]
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "Z:\\Captures"
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : Using config file from "c:\\rclone-v1.68.1-windows-amd64\\rclone.conf"
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "Z:\\Captures" to be canonical "//?/Z:/Captures"
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "compressed:Backups/Captures"
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "idrive-remote:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/ujd6heie8l38rofqk7fo0hg41s"
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : idrive-remote: detected overridden config - adding "{Ygqdw}" suffix to name
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "idrive-remote:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/ujd6heie8l38rofqk7fo0hg41s" to be canonical "idrive-remote{Ygqdw}:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/ujd6heie8l38rofqk7fo0hg41s"
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "idrive-remote:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/ujd6heie8l38rofqk7fo0hg41s" for canonical name "idrive-remote{Ygqdw}:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/ujd6heie8l38rofqk7fo0hg41s"
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "idrive-remote:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/r066bcq5jspunrvodla8eeb9p0"
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : idrive-remote: detected overridden config - adding "{Ygqdw}" suffix to name
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "idrive-remote:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/r066bcq5jspunrvodla8eeb9p0" to be canonical "idrive-remote{Ygqdw}:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/r066bcq5jspunrvodla8eeb9p0"
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "idrive-remote:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/r066bcq5jspunrvodla8eeb9p0" for canonical name "idrive-remote{Ygqdw}:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/r066bcq5jspunrvodla8eeb9p0"
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : Compressed: compressed:Backups/Captures: Waiting for checks to finish
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : Compressed: compressed:Backups/Captures: Waiting for transfers to finish
2024/11/20 06:51:01 NOTICE: S3 bucket bucket path e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/r066bcq5jspunrvodla8eeb9p0: Streaming uploads using chunk size 20Mi will have maximum file size of 195.312Gi
2024/11/20 06:51:01 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: open chunk writer: started multipart upload: 32767.a0d125b2-ebb5-4504-9c84-a98b9f363868
2024/11/20 06:51:02 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 0 size 20Mi offset 0/off
2024/11/20 06:51:02 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 1 size 20Mi offset 20Mi/off
2024/11/20 06:51:02 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 2 size 20Mi offset 40Mi/off
2024/11/20 06:51:02 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 3 size 20Mi offset 60Mi/off
2024/11/20 06:51:11 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 1 with 20971520 bytes and etag "326e0f1607a279c71e97c4a1ac7cb4b3"
2024/11/20 06:51:11 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 4 size 20Mi offset 80Mi/off
2024/11/20 06:51:12 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 2 with 20971520 bytes and etag "169cf5e4f91fa73d2d4e771717ea823e"
2024/11/20 06:51:12 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 5 size 20Mi offset 100Mi/off
2024/11/20 06:51:15 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 3 with 20971520 bytes and etag "638c88e27f11623503eba9d58b8304d6"
2024/11/20 06:51:15 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 6 size 20Mi offset 120Mi/off
2024/11/20 06:51:17 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 4 with 20971520 bytes and etag "c04d9186ce9c15b6be79e65982c6eaa0"
2024/11/20 06:51:17 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 7 size 20Mi offset 140Mi/off
2024/11/20 06:51:23 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 5 with 20971520 bytes and etag "0d786d3615c4d0a2119cb00361a357a7"
2024/11/20 06:51:23 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 8 size 20Mi offset 160Mi/off
2024/11/20 06:51:23 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 6 with 20971520 bytes and etag "3fee09096a399d9d1ebef691fbbc3cc1"
2024/11/20 06:51:23 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 9 size 13.974Mi offset 180Mi/off
2024/11/20 06:51:25 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 7 with 20971520 bytes and etag "5290b625cf3634f1d35e70e0d1d7c896"
2024/11/20 06:51:27 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 8 with 20971520 bytes and etag "4ed390a3e6dbf7d27aa5c7cf63a9470a"
2024/11/20 06:51:30 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 10 with 14652603 bytes and etag "d75d8293da438e114ebb8c738622f5b2"
2024/11/20 06:51:31 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 9 with 20971520 bytes and etag "afb7afdfe047ad6903d919799377c9c0"
2024/11/20 06:51:31 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload "32767.a0d125b2-ebb5-4504-9c84-a98b9f363868" finished
2024/11/20 06:51:31 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4: md5 = cbeb1d754e49b8fe1d6665d077ac73e2 OK
2024/11/20 06:51:31 INFO : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4: Copied (new)
2024/11/20 06:51:31 DEBUG : Waiting for deletions to finish
2024/11/20 06:51:31 INFO :
Transferred: 193.926 MiB / 193.926 MiB, 100%, 5.708 MiB/s, ETA 0s
Transferred: 1 / 1, 100%
Elapsed time: 29.6s
2024/11/20 06:51:31 DEBUG : 15 go routines active
And here is a second log file, with some "S3: AbortMultipartUpload" errors. The problem (the file is not present after upload) happens in either case. Posting this just in case.
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.68.1" starting with parameters ["rclone" "sync" "Z:\\Captures" "compressed:Backups/Captures/" "--multi-thread-cutoff=500M" "--s3-chunk-size=20M" "-vv"]
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "Z:\\Captures"
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : Using config file from "c:\\rclone-v1.68.1-windows-amd64\\rclone.conf"
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "Z:\\Captures" to be canonical "//?/Z:/Captures"
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "compressed:Backups/Captures/"
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "idrive-remote:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/ujd6heie8l38rofqk7fo0hg41s"
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : idrive-remote: detected overridden config - adding "{Ygqdw}" suffix to name
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "idrive-remote:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/ujd6heie8l38rofqk7fo0hg41s" to be canonical "idrive-remote{Ygqdw}:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/ujd6heie8l38rofqk7fo0hg41s"
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "idrive-remote:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/ujd6heie8l38rofqk7fo0hg41s" for canonical name "idrive-remote{Ygqdw}:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/ujd6heie8l38rofqk7fo0hg41s"
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "idrive-remote:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/r066bcq5jspunrvodla8eeb9p0"
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : idrive-remote: detected overridden config - adding "{Ygqdw}" suffix to name
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "idrive-remote:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/r066bcq5jspunrvodla8eeb9p0" to be canonical "idrive-remote{Ygqdw}:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/r066bcq5jspunrvodla8eeb9p0"
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "idrive-remote:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/r066bcq5jspunrvodla8eeb9p0" for canonical name "idrive-remote{Ygqdw}:bucket/e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/r066bcq5jspunrvodla8eeb9p0"
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "compressed:Backups/Captures/" to be canonical "compressed:Backups/Captures"
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : Compressed: compressed:Backups/Captures: Waiting for checks to finish
2024/11/20 07:07:05 DEBUG : Compressed: compressed:Backups/Captures: Waiting for transfers to finish
2024/11/20 07:07:06 NOTICE: S3 bucket bucket path e8kg0lug98i2q4rl6df4uv2sd0/r066bcq5jspunrvodla8eeb9p0: Streaming uploads using chunk size 20Mi will have maximum file size of 195.312Gi
2024/11/20 07:07:06 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: open chunk writer: started multipart upload: 32767.ac72cda6-9c91-4cb8-81ce-115e0b65539b
2024/11/20 07:07:06 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 0 size 20Mi offset 0/off
2024/11/20 07:07:06 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 1 size 20Mi offset 20Mi/off
2024/11/20 07:07:06 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: Cancelling multipart upload
2024/11/20 07:07:06 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: Failed to cancel multipart upload: failed to abort multipart upload "32767.ac72cda6-9c91-4cb8-81ce-115e0b65539b": operation error S3: AbortMultipartUpload, https response error StatusCode: 404, RequestID: 1809ABCCE27E60DF, HostID: c1a90093-2a25-4d71-907d-fe8a0138bef3, api error NoSuchKey: The specified key does not exist.
2024/11/20 07:07:06 ERROR : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4: Failed to copy: failed to upload chunk 1 with 20971520 bytes: operation error S3: UploadPart, https response error StatusCode: 404, RequestID: 1809ABCCD62227E8, HostID: c1a90093-2a25-4d71-907d-fe8a0138bef3, api error NoSuchKey: The specified key does not exist.
2024/11/20 07:07:06 ERROR : Compressed: compressed:Backups/Captures: not deleting files as there were IO errors
2024/11/20 07:07:06 ERROR : Compressed: compressed:Backups/Captures: not deleting directories as there were IO errors
2024/11/20 07:07:06 ERROR : Attempt 1/3 failed with 1 errors and: failed to upload chunk 1 with 20971520 bytes: operation error S3: UploadPart, https response error StatusCode: 404, RequestID: 1809ABCCD62227E8, HostID: c1a90093-2a25-4d71-907d-fe8a0138bef3, api error NoSuchKey: The specified key does not exist.
2024/11/20 07:07:06 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2024/11/20 07:07:06 DEBUG : Compressed: compressed:Backups/Captures: Waiting for checks to finish
2024/11/20 07:07:06 DEBUG : Compressed: compressed:Backups/Captures: Waiting for transfers to finish
2024/11/20 07:07:06 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: open chunk writer: started multipart upload: 32767.6d18bab5-1dff-4e50-82f2-bd2265f76412
2024/11/20 07:07:06 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 0 size 20Mi offset 0/off
2024/11/20 07:07:07 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 1 size 20Mi offset 20Mi/off
2024/11/20 07:07:07 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 2 size 20Mi offset 40Mi/off
2024/11/20 07:07:07 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 3 size 20Mi offset 60Mi/off
2024/11/20 07:07:19 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 2 with 20971520 bytes and etag "2b40d47b11b7f878d446c5c0a499905e"
2024/11/20 07:07:20 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 4 size 20Mi offset 80Mi/off
2024/11/20 07:07:20 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 1 with 20971520 bytes and etag "f1f469856815ba577ba7e702a83c381e"
2024/11/20 07:07:20 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 5 size 20Mi offset 100Mi/off
2024/11/20 07:07:20 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 4 with 20971520 bytes and etag "4203e054f3ee30a4a97754464ae0f413"
2024/11/20 07:07:20 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 6 size 20Mi offset 120Mi/off
2024/11/20 07:07:22 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 3 with 20971520 bytes and etag "f1ef83f76c25293455d359814ac7c916"
2024/11/20 07:07:22 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 7 size 20Mi offset 140Mi/off
2024/11/20 07:07:29 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 7 with 20971520 bytes and etag "31cbbf11b24725adff7861ed1a5c29d6"
2024/11/20 07:07:29 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 8 size 20Mi offset 160Mi/off
2024/11/20 07:07:31 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 6 with 20971520 bytes and etag "409608d4d7e70560d13c51584e158523"
2024/11/20 07:07:31 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4.9YQkDAAAAAA.gz: multipart upload: starting chunk 9 size 13.974Mi offset 180Mi/off
2024/11/20 07:07:31 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 5 with 20971520 bytes and etag "a792e9980383a85336572776db5c25dd"
2024/11/20 07:07:34 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 8 with 20971520 bytes and etag "a349a80aadf9cb1bdf1feb9a002b1250"
2024/11/20 07:07:35 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 10 with 14652603 bytes and etag "5829195660ecbe2a65d2341deb231717"
2024/11/20 07:07:36 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload wrote chunk 9 with 20971520 bytes and etag "442d273a921a73fd6e62b675f9c229e4"
2024/11/20 07:07:37 DEBUG : bd550gmhlcilhmdqt1ksgd86k334u9abn32vsg511m32j9dlr5q39b4rijphch1uq49rpu1b14ujotjnr1a5t54i1bq4e355hk0dnng: multipart upload "32767.6d18bab5-1dff-4e50-82f2-bd2265f76412" finished
2024/11/20 07:07:37 DEBUG : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4: md5 = cbeb1d754e49b8fe1d6665d077ac73e2 OK
2024/11/20 07:07:37 INFO : 20181204_091940 (2024_10_20 14_16_05 UTC).mp4: Copied (new)
2024/11/20 07:07:37 DEBUG : Waiting for deletions to finish
2024/11/20 07:07:37 ERROR : Attempt 2/3 succeeded
2024/11/20 07:07:37 INFO :
Transferred: 233.926 MiB / 233.926 MiB, 100%, 6.205 MiB/s, ETA 0s
Transferred: 1 / 1, 100%
Elapsed time: 31.4s
2024/11/20 07:07:37 DEBUG : 17 go routines active