Fatal error: unknown command "sjreddy_static:" for "rclone"

Error: unknown command "sjreddy_static:" for "rclone"
Run 'rclone --help' for usage.
2024/04/02 13:10:02 Fatal error: unknown command "sjreddy_static:" for "rclone"

how to fix this error?

=> /etc/fstab entry is
sjreddy_static: /home/jagadeesawara/sjreddydb fuse.rclone --log-level=DEBUG,--config=/home/jagadeesawara/.config/rclone/rclone.conf,--allow-non-empty,--debug-fuse,--log-file=/var/log/rclone_debug.log 0 0

=> please find my remote names

j$ rclone listremotes

=>config file
$ cat .config/rclone/rclone.conf

type = dropbox

welcome to the forum,

when you posted there was a template of questions for you to answer??

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