Fairled to Copy: chtimes error (but no error?)

what version of rclone are you running now, did you update?

how long did you wait before reboot?

Running v1.53.1

The first time, I rebooted after about a day (if I remember correctly).

The second time, I rebooted immediately after the upload finished.

Just to prevent this thread from closing, bumping this.

with windows explorer,
if you switch to a non-mounted folder, then back to the mounted folder, do the files appear?

and how are you copying the files,
windows explorer
still using that double rclone copy command.

Nope! Only when I restart. However, there are times where they appear immediately after uploaded as well.

I know only use the: rclone copy D:\ToTransfer gCrypt:Transferred

If there's anything you want me to test, let me know. I uploaded some files earlier today and it didn't appear, but running: rclone check --one-way --size-only “D:\ToTransfer” gCrypt:Transferred, verified that it did transfer.

I tried transferring more files and same thing. I haven't restarted yet, so it still looks blanks. Anything you want me to try?

can you post your mount command.

Absolutely, it is: mount gCrypt: X: --attr-timeout 1000h --dir-cache-time 1000h --poll-interval 0 --rc --vfs-cache-mode writes --vfs-read-chunk-size 32M -v --config "C:\Users\abc\.config\rclone\rclone.conf

I run this using NSSM during start-up.

i would remove or tweak this flag

--vfs-cache-poll-interval duration   Interval to poll the cache for stale objects. (default 1m0s)

I don't have that flag in there right now, do you have a recommended duration I should use for it?

do some testing first.