What is the problem you are having with rclone?
I have installed rclone on my Synology NAS and transferring files to Pcloud.
The configuration is working and files get from Nas to Pcloud as I want.
The only thing which is worrying me is that the transfer never seems to end well.
I am busy now for over a week transferring many video files (large files) and it never seems to finish and indicating all files are copied over from NAS to Pcloud 1-on-1. I do see errors in the terminal (Errors: 8 (retrying may help))
This it is the commandline I am using in the terminal:
```rclone sync /volume1/temp/videobackup/ remote:/Rclone_Photo/Movie/ --progress --checksum --log-file=/volume1/tools/Backup/syncMovie_log.txt --log-level=INFO --transfers=12`
What do I see in the log:
Multiple lines with this text
multi-thread copy: failed to close file before aborting: incorrect size after upload: got 201457664, want 1169545271
An example what I see is this after running some hours:
Transferred: 36.584 GiB / 77.744 GiB, 47%, 1.057 MiB/s, ETA 11h4m31s Errors: 62 (retrying may help) Checks: 11087 / 11087, 100% Transferred: 6 / 77, 8% Elapsed time: 6h26m56.5s
I see many errors and restarting the job does not let them go away.
I have tried to do a sync of the NAS and Pcloud with a freeSync program (separate from Rclone). First letting him check both folders and make Hashes of them. After the comparison there was a bunch out of sync let in this program sync from NAS to Pcloud. After that I did the same again and noticed (as expected) both were in sync.
To do a check from rclone I ran the program with the commandline as above and almost immediately it started transferring files from the NAS to Pcloud again.
While I did not expect this, as freeSync mentioned everything was in sync.
rclone version
rclone v1.69.1
- os/version: unknown
- os/kernel: 4.4.59+ (x86_64)
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.24.0
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: none
Which cloud storage system are you using?
command run:
rclone sync /volume1/temp/videobackup/ remote:/Rclone_Photo/Movie/ --progress --checksum --log-file=/volume1/tools/Backup/syncMovie_log.txt --log-level=INFO --transfers=12
*I am using 12 transfers as the default 4 do not completely fill my upload speed. More transfers give me more throughput. I don't know why the stand 4 do not take all the bandwidth as I would expect.
*I have progress turned on to see in the terminal the progress.
*I have checksum turned on to check that every bit is checked during the copy.
2025/03/19 14:58:57 ERROR : 2017/iphone/IMG_1011.MOV.c8e20dd1.partial: multi-thread copy: failed to close file before aborting: incorrect size after upload: got 501874688, want 1234193261
2025/03/19 15:00:48 ERROR : 2017/iphone/IMG_1011.MOV.c8e20dd1.partial: multi-thread copy: failed to close file before aborting: incorrect size after upload: got 203161600, want 1234193261
2025/03/19 15:01:33 ERROR : 2017/iphone/IMG_1011.MOV.c8e20dd1.partial: multi-thread copy: failed to close file before aborting: incorrect size after upload: got 201981952, want 1234193261
2025/03/19 15:02:52 ERROR : 2017/iphone/IMG_1011.MOV.c8e20dd1.partial: multi-thread copy: failed to close file before aborting: incorrect size after upload: got 201719808, want 1234193261
2025/03/19 15:02:52 ERROR : 2017/iphone/IMG_1011.MOV: Failed to copy: multi-thread copy: failed to write chunk: open file: open new file descriptor: pcloud error: Internal upload error. (5001)
2025/03/19 15:03:59 ERROR : 2017/video/IMG_4265.MOV.b8c8a02b.partial: multi-thread copy: failed to close file before aborting: incorrect size after upload: got 607649792, want 668112472
2025/03/19 15:04:46 ERROR : 2017/video/IMG_4265.MOV.b8c8a02b.partial: multi-thread copy: failed to close file before aborting: incorrect size after upload: got 201457664, want 668112472