Failed message - what does it mean

Downloading from mega I got:
(W10 / rclone 1.46 + RcloneBrowser DinCahill-FORK)
(wrote 1.42 but it was a typo)

Failed to copy: failed to open source object: open download file failed: json: cannot unmarshal number -18 into Go struct field DownloadResp.e of type uint32

any hint what this means?


You should upgrade to the latest version, 1.46 as 1.42 is quite old.

It looks like it couldn’t open a file.

Sorry, my fault, I use 1.46
I update the question info…

What’s the remote you are using the command you are running?

That is a bug - rclone is trying to fit -18 into an unsigned integer.

The -18 means "Resource temporarily not available, please try again later"

The bug is easy enough to fix...

Can you try this (uploaded in 15-30 mins)

Hopefully rclone will retry the error correctly if it happens.



As I moved all remote contents as thar remote was performing erratically I cannot test the patch. This was the same having duplicates not resolved with dedupe …

Resource temporarily not available explains well the erratic behaviour…

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