Fail2ban config for rclone http/dav

For those who want to track brute force attacks on the http/dav serve remotes.



# Fail2Ban filter for unsuccesfull authentication attempts


# Read common prefixes. If any customizations available -- read them from
# common.local
before = common.conf


failregex = INFO  : /.*: <HOST>:\d+: Unauthorized request from\s*
ignoreregex = 

datepattern = %%Y/%%m/%%d %%H:%%M:%%S


enabled = true
filter = rclonehttp
port = 7444,6444
logpath = /data/log/rclonehttp.log tail

enabled = true
filter = rclonehttp
port = 7443,6443
logpath = /data/log/rclonedavs.log tail