Error reading destination directory: AccessDenied: Account Connection Limited

Why I'm getting this error? I'm trying to migrate from GCS to Wasabi. Both the endpoint url are configured. Previously did the migration part it was working fine. But now here's the error --> error reading destination directory: AccessDenied: Account Connection Limited.

Command --> rclone sync gcs:// wasabi:// --include *.blob --progress --checkers 10000 --transfers 5000 --ignore-existing

What Acc Connection Limited ? I've 1 source and 1 destination

If you need help please provide all details as per template you ignored.

hi, i have been using wasabi for over five years, never got that message.
have you contacted wasabi?

--checkers 10000 --transfers 5000
those are very high values, why did you choose those specifc values?
as a test, i would remove those flags and also add --fast-list

if that does not help, when you posted, there was a template of questions for you to answer?

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