sorry I sent the last 30
2025/02/09 20:18:32 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.69.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "mount" "--log-file" "C:\rclone\logs\rclone.log" "--links" "--file-perms" "0777" "--dir-perms" "0777" "--vfs-cache-mode=writes" "--cache-dir" "E:\cache" "remote:switch_202306" "X:" "--config" "C:\Users\George\AppData\Roaming\rclone\rclone.conf" "-vv"]
2025/02/09 20:18:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "remote:switch_202306"
2025/02/09 20:18:32 DEBUG : Using config file from "C:\Users\George\AppData\Roaming\rclone\rclone.conf"
2025/02/09 20:18:38 INFO : Internet Archive item switch_202306: poll-interval is not supported by this remote
2025/02/09 20:18:38 NOTICE: Internet Archive item switch_202306: Symlinks support enabled
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : Internet Archive item switch_202306: vfs cache: root is "E:\cache"
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : Internet Archive item switch_202306: vfs cache: data root is "\\?\E:\cache\vfs\remote\switch_202306"
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : Internet Archive item switch_202306: vfs cache: metadata root is "\\?\E:\cache\vfsMeta\remote\switch_202306"
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote ":local,encoding='Slash,LtGt,DoubleQuote,Colon,Question,Asterisk,Pipe,BackSlash,Ctl,RightSpace,RightPeriod,InvalidUtf8,Dot':E:/cache/vfs/remote/switch_202306"
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : :local: detected overridden config - adding "{fbZPM}" suffix to name
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item ":local,encoding='Slash,LtGt,DoubleQuote,Colon,Question,Asterisk,Pipe,BackSlash,Ctl,RightSpace,RightPeriod,InvalidUtf8,Dot':E:/cache/vfs/remote/switch_202306" to be canonical ":local{fbZPM}://?/E:/cache/vfs/remote/switch_202306"
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote ":local,encoding='Slash,LtGt,DoubleQuote,Colon,Question,Asterisk,Pipe,BackSlash,Ctl,RightSpace,RightPeriod,InvalidUtf8,Dot':E:/cache/vfsMeta/remote/switch_202306"
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : :local: detected overridden config - adding "{fbZPM}" suffix to name
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item ":local,encoding='Slash,LtGt,DoubleQuote,Colon,Question,Asterisk,Pipe,BackSlash,Ctl,RightSpace,RightPeriod,InvalidUtf8,Dot':E:/cache/vfsMeta/remote/switch_202306" to be canonical ":local{fbZPM}://?/E:/cache/vfsMeta/remote/switch_202306"
2025/02/09 20:18:38 INFO : Internet Archive item switch_202306: vfs cache: cleaned: objects 0 (was 0) in use 0, to upload 0, uploading 0, total size 0 (was 0)
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : Network mode mounting is disabled
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : Mounting on "X:" ("remote switch_202306")
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : Internet Archive item switch_202306: Mounting with options: ["-o" "attr_timeout=1" "-o" "uid=-1" "-o" "gid=-1" "--FileSystemName=rclone" "-o" "volname=remote switch_202306"]
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : Internet Archive item switch_202306: Init:
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : Internet Archive item switch_202306: >Init:
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : /: Statfs:
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : /: >Statfs: stat={Bsize:4096 Frsize:4096 Blocks:268435456 Bfree:254276711 Bavail:254276711 Files:1000000000 Ffree:1000000000 Favail:0 Fsid:0 Flag:0 Namemax:255}, errc=0
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : /: Readlink:
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : /: >Readlink: errc=-22, linkPath=""
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : /.: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : /.: >Getattr: errc=-2
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : /: Getxattr: name="non-existant-a11ec902d22f4ec49003af15282d3b00"
2025/02/09 20:18:38 DEBUG : /: >Getxattr: errc=-40, value=""