Error 403: User rate exceeded

Dear everyone.

At the moment I have tried the google computing online service, and got this error after 866GB upload.
I made a copy from 1 google drive to a new one.

Will it work from a dedicated server if I buy one?

Thanks :slight_smile:


Nope, there is now a daily upload limit on google drive. The limit is around 750GB a day

Thanks for your answer .

Do we know what time it resets?

I am not sure if there is a specific time that it resets.
When it was happening to me, it usually lasted about 4 or 5 hours. But afaik, as per usual google don’t provide any info about the limit.

Ok thanks again :slight_smile:

Gonna let my vps do the transfer on low bandwidth… then I won’t exceed 700GB pr day :slight_smile: