Dropbox Business Advanced - Auto Increase Storage

So I have a dropbox business advanced account which comes with "unlimited" storage. The caveat though is they don't just give you unlimited amount, you get allocated so much storage and then increase as you need more.

There appears to be an automated process that determines when you get "close" to your upper limit and it adds storage to your account. I've got a few automated emails at like 1:00 AM that say they noticed I was getting close so they increased my storage.

Anyone know how to trigger that automated process to evaluate my usage and do an auto increase? Support is usually helpful, but they are only there during normal business hours.

I just ask when I have less than 5TB left. I’ve not found any automated way.

Sounds good. I was just hoping there was a way to "trigger" it as it will add space automatically sometimes.

I noticed that i got several mails saying they have added one TB additional storage even when I had more than 10 TB free space remaining.

I guess if you have less than X % free Space available they automatically give you 1 TB on Top and if you need more you can just request more .

That's not consistent as I've let my space run out before to test that.

It seems that the Auto increase is Buggy. Because I ran out of free storage several times and wasn't automatically increased.Wrote an email 12 hours ago and haven't gotten a reply yet.I think because it's the weekend.But when I asked for 100TB more storage, they only ever gave me 10 or 15TB.

Auto increase is working at first for few tb, but not after (afaik). I find that using the chat is the quickest way to have more storage. It's nearly immediate. Now, don't ask for 100tb is you are like 60% usage of your curent quota...

How can i Chat with them? I keep getting the message that chat is unavailable.

On the weekend it's not avalaible. Week days are ok. Put your account in english so you'll have US support which is more responsive imo.

Just to add my 2 cents, I paid for three license, and when I requested an increase for an initial transfer of 170TB, I was allocated 180TB. As for automatically increasing the limit, you could consider scripting it. The admin API should provide an endpoint to get the usage, and you could set up an automatic email to support for a limit increase when your remaining storage is down to the last few terabytes.

Can you explain how to do that?

had a quick look at the API and not to straight forward but can be done, in python you can do:

import os
import json
import requests

from dotenv import load_dotenv



def bytes_to_human_readable(byte_number):
    Convert a number of bytes into a human readable format.
    units = ['bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']
    log = 0
    while byte_number >= 1024 and log < 8:
        log += 1
        byte_number /= 1024.0

    return f'{round(byte_number, 2)} {units[log]}'

def get_members():
    Fetch the list of team members from Dropbox API.
    members_list_url = 'https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/team/members/list_v2'
    payload = json.dumps({
        'include_removed': False,
        'limit': 100

    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': API_AUTH_TOKEN

    response = requests.post(members_list_url, headers=headers, data=payload)
    return [member['profile']['team_member_id'] for member in response.json()['members']]

def get_used_space(team_member_id):
    Fetch the used and allocated space for a given team member from Dropbox API.
    used_space_url = 'https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/users/get_space_usage'
    headers = {
        'Dropbox-API-Select-User': team_member_id,
        'Authorization': API_AUTH_TOKEN

    response = requests.post(used_space_url, headers=headers)

    used_bytes = response.json()['used']
    allocated_bytes = response.json()['allocation']['allocated']

    return used_bytes, bytes_to_human_readable(used_bytes), allocated_bytes, bytes_to_human_readable(allocated_bytes)

def main():
    Print the used and allocated space for each team member.
    for team_member_id in get_members():
        used_bytes, used_h, allocated_bytes, allocated_h = get_used_space(team_member_id)
        print(f'Team member {team_member_id} has used {used_h} of {allocated_h} allocated space.')

if __name__ == '__main__':

this will return something like:

Team member Bob:id has used 39.47 TB of 183.08 TB allocated space.

you will need to setup a Dropbox app with > Create App URL that has Full Dropbox access

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My storage space has automatically increased every time I got close to my limit. First it added 1 TB at a time and now it's 3 TB. I'm at 21 TB now without having to contact support even once.

OK thanks for your Script but how do You contact Dropbox with that Info? Only write an Email to support@dropbox.com? I thought you can directly use an interface/API for the help. Alternatively for your script you can also simply use rclone about Dropbox: and it Output you the free Space left.

To automate a request to Dropbox support, I think you would need to use a web automation tool like selenium WebDriver. Since Dropbox sends a verification code to your email (it does for me), your script should be able to read your emails as well, or alternatively, redirect those emails to a webhook.

As for measuring storage size with rclone, it works for personal accounts. However, if you are an admin for a Dropbox team, you'll need to account for the combined size of all the members. This is where the Dropbox API comes in handy, as it allows you to calculate the total storage size of a team.

@Yendor what are you asking for in your tickets/chats anytime I've asked for a specific amount of storage they transfer the chat to a ticket for a specialist to respond, which takes multiple days and they end up not giving me what I ask for.

I have only done my initial request and that was done by submitting a help request -> https://www.dropbox.com/support/email with:

The request was submitted at 7:16AM(+10) and completed at 7:21AM(+10), so don't know if I got luckily and got them in office hours or the fact it was a new account?

haven't ask for a second increases yet (still doing the move), so don't know how long that takes