I hope it’s okay to ask this here, as I haven’t been able to find any clear information elsewhere.
I’m currently using Rclone to transfer files with OneDrive. Following the tutorials, I’ve set up my own Client ID to avoid using the public option provided by Rclone, aiming to achieve better transfer speeds.
However, I initially used an Azure free account, and it is about to expire. I would like to know:
- Should I switch to an Azure "Pay-As-You-Go" account, or is it okay to let the free account expire without affecting my setup?
- Does using this service require any payment?
Thank you in advance for your help
Hey there! Welcome to the forums.
I'm not an expert in Azure, but if it's anything like AWS, there is no "expiration" on your azure account. Once your free credits expire or complete, you will be charged my Azure for the services you use. This is not controlled by rclone or anyone on this forum. If you leave data in Azure, you will be charged until the data is deleted or your account closed. Do not assume that Azure will close your account after free credit period.
If you mean "Azure" and their blob storage service, you will pay for pricing based on this page describing the costs for their service.
If you mean rclone, then no. rclone is a free open-source software package.
This is not really about using Azure to store any data but about client_id setup for OneDrive storage. New here is that now MS requires Azure account to configure it.
Things changed with OneDrive client_id creation and I am not sure anybody here is 100% how new arrangements will work. So any feedback is welcomed.
You can find some comments and stories on this older thread about exactly the same issue.
Please let us know how it worked. I am interested myself (have some client_id(s) to renew soon).
This is the wrong place to ask IMO... Only people who charge you (Microsoft) can answer it authoritatively.
Thank you all for your responses. I followed the tutorial on the Rclone official website to set up the client, and so far, everything is working fine.
The main issue is that to use a Client ID, an Azure account needs to be activated. When creating the account, there was only a 30-day free trial. About a month after it expired, which is around now, I received an email from Azure stating that if I do not activate a "Pay-As-You-Go" account, all my settings will be deleted. However, I am unsure whether this includes the Client ID we created.
I might report back later with updates on the situation.
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