Does "rclone sync" has "--size-only" option?

The command:

rclone sync /data1/ some-remote:/data1/ --progress --size-only --create-empty-src-dirs

I want to run rclone rsync to compare only the file name and file size, not the file modification time.

I read this online document rclone sync, that
There is a "--size-only" option in the "Copy Options" section, but there is no "--size-only" option in the "Sync Options" section. So can you tell me if the "--size-only" option applies to the rclone rsync command?

Yes. You can use --size-only with sync.

It is listed in so called Copy Options containing "Flags for anything which can copy a file" - so including sync operations but not only.

Sync Options lists flags exclusive to sync only.

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