Does --buffer-size has any effect when syncing remote to remote?

Does --buffer-size has any effect while syncing remote to remote? Like Google Drive to OneDrive?

Or is it only used while reading local files?

yes, --buffer-size has an effect on sync command, for any source and any dest.
Each --transfer will use this much memory for buffering.

Yes. Yes. But my question was, is it only used for local files reading or local or remote both files reading?

For example if i do:

rclone sync googledrive: onedrive: --buffer-size=1G

does it make sense?

onedrive, is that a local folder?

no. both are remote.

i see that you edited the post, that onedrive is onedrive:, a cloud remote.

rclone sync will use --buffer-size; does not matter if the soure/dest is local or remote.
should be easy to verify, run a sync and look at the memory rclone is using....

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Okay. One more thing when syncing remote to remote does --multi-thread-streams has any effect? or It's for remote to local only?

  • NB that this only works for a local destination
  • does not seem to be a flag about memory, but about number of threads used to download a file to local storage

I am doing large file transfer, each file is 5GB+

rclone sync googledrive: onedrive: --onedrive-chunk-size=250M -P

In this case does rclone download 250M chunk from google drive then upload to onedrive, right?

I am trying to do few api calls on google drive, so what flag i need to add so rclone will download file from google drive with less api calls? Like 1 or 2? What flags I need, in this case?

I have got plenty of memory, so that's not an issue.


run your command with debug output, using -vv, and you will see that.

as for gdrive api calls, i understand that you get 1,000,000,000 api calls per 24 hour peroid.
never saw a post in the forum, about anybody hitting that limit.

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True. But I am frequently getting "download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded" errors, and the funny thing is those files are private and never downloaded once.

i am not a gdrive expert but that message is not about api calls.

perhaps @Animosity022 will stop by to comment.

Not sure I have any magic here as those errors are normally hitting some undocumented download/upload quota for the day based on your user account/service account or some change. I don't move a lot of data so I never really encounter them other than the daily upload quota which is one of the few documented ones.

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