Docker plugin fail to start/reinstall

I can see from the log that the plugin had started up, restored its saved state and successfully finished mounting Google Drive at 18:23:01, but docker daemon failed to ping its health at 18:23:13, probably due to unexpected program abort.
Let's see what happens if you start the plugin cleanly.

  1. Stop all compose jobs and docker containers using the remote
  2. Stop the plugin with: docker plugin disable rclone
  3. Remove saved plugin state on the host: sudo rm /var/lib/docker-plugins/rclone/cache/docker-plugin.state
  4. Start the plugin again: docker plugin enable rclone
  5. Check that plugin process is still running as seen from the host: ps -efa | grep "rclone serve docker"
  6. Look in the docker daemon log: sudo cat /var/log/syslog | grep dockerd | less

Is everything OK yet? I hope so...

  1. Start your mount-related containers / compose jobs now.
  2. Check again if the plugin is still running?

If it works, just use it.
If the plugin will die, let's get rid of the docker for a moment and troubleshoot things simplistically:

  1. Install rclone normally on the host as per this link: Install
  2. Copy your plugin'ified rclone config locally: sudo cat /var/lib/docker-plugins/rclone/config/rclone.conf | cat > ./rclone.conf
  3. Run ordinary rclone mount, mimicing the composed options: rclone --config ./rclone.conf mount GDriveBackupNeoEncrypted: /tmp/test-mount-dir --poll-interval=0 --vfs-cache-mode=full --allow-other
  4. Manually check the mount trying to behave like your compose'd program: list directories, copy files, etc

I wish your hunt were fruitful... Let me know below...

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