I'm creating this topic to try to find a solution to a problem that annoys me for a long time, I'll explain.
I have all services running in docker compose (radarr, sonarr, qbittorrent, plex and emby)
I have rclone configured for my TeamDrive and also mergerFS to merge my SSD and TD.
The problem is that after a system reboot the docker always starts before tdrive.service and mergerfs.service and with that *arrs / Plex / Emby cannot see the directory. I need to manually restart compose after a machine reboot.
I've tried to put docker.service in Wants in tdrive and mergerfs services but without success.
In Requires of docker service I tried to put tdrive.service and mergerfs.service but without success as well.
I also use it that way, and merger goes up after rclone's service.
The problem is the programs that are in docker-compose. They go up before rclone and mergerfs and therefore the merger directory /mnt/unionfs is empty