Display status on Terminal in Linux and save the log file Ubuntu

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What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Display status on Terminal in Linux and save the log file Ubuntu

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

user@LeDe:~/Desktop$ rclone version
rclone v1.63.0

  • os/version: ubuntu 20.04 (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 5.4.0 (x86_64)
  • os/type: linux
  • os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.20.5
  • go/linking: static
  • go/tags: none

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google drive moving files to MS Onedrive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone -vv copy --create-empty-src-dirs "gdrive:/Volume drives backup/"  "onedrive:Google Drive/Volume drives backup/" --timeout 20m --drive-chunk-size 256M  --transfers=4 --drive-acknowledge-abuse -P --stats 25s --retries 2 --low-level-retries 1 --checkers=8 --log-file=rclog.txt

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

Paste config here

rclone -vv copy --create-empty-src-dirs "gdrive:/Volume drives backup/" "onedrive:Google Drive/Volume drives backup/" --timeout 20m --drive-chunk-size 256M --transfers=4 --drive-acknowledge-abuse -P --stats 25s --retries 2 --low-level-retries 1 --checkers=8 --log-file=rclog.txt

A log from the command with the -vv flag

Need to view the Progress on the terminal and save on the log file

in other terminal window

tail -f /path/to/rclog.txt

@kapitainsky so i need to create another screen and run the command tail -f /path/to/rclog.txt

When the log file is being written to the file i would like to see the progress on the same terminal window (Ubuntu linux)

if you want to write everything to logfile no screen output is provided. But you can watch logfile in "real time" using tail.

Other option is to try linux tee command.

rclone can either write to file or to screen - not both. So you have to use your OS features to achieve what you want.

Use tail to watch log file. Or use tee to write "screen" to file.


So do i need to place the pipe and then tee command pointing to log file

rclone -vv copy --create-empty-src-dirs "gdrive:/Volume drives backup/" "onedrive:Google Drive/Volume drives backup/" --timeout 20m --drive-chunk-size 256M --transfers=4 --drive-acknowledge-abuse --stats 25s --checkers=8 --progress | ```
tee rclone.txt

Please correct me if i am doing something wrong

yes it is something like that. I do not have linux at the moment running so you have to test yourself


I will give it a try and update you


will the log file get appended or it will wipe out the old log and save the new log

check how to append or not in manual:

man tee

With I normally use -v -P --log-file rclone.log for this. The -P will give an interactive display of what is happening and rclone.log will get logs of files copied appended to it.

@ncw Thank you

I have file Voluma A_20201114_Full_v1.pbd with size 2416.34 GB

I am getting error Failed to copy: failed to open source object: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded

Command rclone -vv copy --create-empty-src-dirs "gdrive:/Easus Backup/Volume A Easus/" "onedrive:Google Drive/Easus Backup/Volume A Easus/" --timeout 20m --drive-chunk-size 256M --transfers=3 --drive-acknowledge-abuse -P --stats 25s --retries 2

That means you are out of download quota for the day. Try again in 12/24/48 hours until it works.

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