Dir-cache-time default folder save

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I use PGBlitz and made the necessary changes to it to be able to use the new vfs cache and everything works as it should.
My question is regarding the --dir-cache-time and the location where it is saved.
I configured --cache-dir for / mnt / cache and I can see the two folders created (vfs and vfsMeta) with their respective drivers (gdrive and tdrive) and the size of the folder is respecting the 100GB I configured for it.

The settings are as follows:

--vfs-cache-mode full
--vfs-cache-max-age 48h
--dir-cache-time 48h

My question is where the dir-cache-time database is saved, because I didn't find the default path for it.

When I make any changes to the assembly, I have the practice of deleting the two folders from the cache (vfs and vfsMeta) so that it can recreate from scratch, but the database files I don't know how to delete it to avoid conflicts.

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone v1.53.1

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Ubuntu Server 18.04

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive / TeamDrive

rclone does not use databases.

depending on the backend, rclone will scan/poll as needed.

When I said database it was in relation to the location that the data of dir-cache-time are saved when using full vfs.
As I understand it, these data are stored and kept up to date for a specified time, and for Plex it is an excellent resource because in a scan it will use fewer API calls and the scan will be much faster.
My question is if I change the assembly service, I must recreate everything.

the data is in the cache.

i use emby.
before i have emby scan my mount, i prime the mount first.
then the emby scan used will use the cache and the scan is very fast.

rclone rc vfs/refresh recursive=true

When you say in the cache, is it in the folder that I configured in --cache-dir?
It is in which folder vfs or vfsMeta?
I also use Emby in conjunction with Plex and everything works in perfect sync.
In my assembly I do not use the --rc flag, can I do this any other way?

Is the kill -SIGHUP $ (pidof rclone) command the same?

There is no database. That is stored in memory regardless of what mode you use.

that for clarifying my post.

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