Delete my files in gdrive

hello i need your advise or help thanks
i have last rclone on my vps sycr with gdrive all ok i download with rutorent and all is transferet to my gdrive if i delete files from my vps it auto delete in my gdrive
know i want to change the vps with a didicate server how to do that without lose all my files on gdrive ??
i use vfs rclone.service
thanks exuse my englich

Unmount your vfs cache and stop all rclone operations.

Use ps aux | grep rclone and then find the ID for any rclone processes, then kill -9 XXXX where "XXXX" is the Process ID number for the rclone process.

Now when you fire up your new VPS you can just mount your vfs cache again and all should be there.

ok thanks i ll try

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