--delete-excluded deletes ALL files although not excluded

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Summary: rclone bisync with --delete-excluded flag deleted ALL other folders and files on the "source" (Path1) except for the file modified or newly created on "destination" (Path2). This also happened when deleting a file on the destination

How it happened: Initially the destination was empty. On the first run i did not include the flag --exclude-if-present .nosync and let the first bisync command run with --resync. Then I later added --exclude-if-present .nosync as i forgot to add it before, however it did not delete the previously copied folder with .nosync in the destination, so i thought --delete-excluded would delete the folder in the destination however it only seems to be for excluded items via file filters etc., which i do not have.
I then manually removed the .nosync file in the destination (.nosync still being in the folder on the source) and ran the command given below. This then deleted ALL files on the source except for the folder and its contents from the destination from which .nosync was just removed.

The same happened when I ran the identical command after duplicating and renaming a file in the destination (Path2): the duplicated and renamed file was copied to the source (Path1) and all other files, even directories outside of the folder where the file was duplicated and renamed in, were deleted from the source, ultimately leaving the source with only the "newly added (duplicated and renamed)" file/directory originating from the destination. The destination with all other directories and files stayed as it was after adding the new file in the destination.

I am not to sure about suspecting a bug, hence this category.

Seting the bisync up to schedule it with cron job i can use the command without --delete-excluded and it works, but i am quite confused as to why it deletes all the rest when using --delete-excluded. Or differently asked (if correct) why the rest is seen as excluded during a run?

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone v1.68.2

  • os/version: raspbian 12.8 (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 6.6.62+rpt-rpi-v8 (aarch64)
  • os/type: linux
  • os/arch: arm64 (ARMv8 compatible)
  • go/version: go1.23.3
  • go/linking: static
  • go/tags: none

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone bisync /home/user/AutoEinm googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive -Mvl --compare size,modtime,checksum --resilient --recover --max-lock 2m --disable ListR --check-access --track-renames --conflict-resolve newer --conflict-loser pathname --conflict-suffix "{20060102}_{150405}-sourcename","{20060102}_{150405}-destinationname" --exclude-if-present .nosync --delete-excluded

Please run 'rclone config redacted' and share the full output. If you get command not found, please make sure to update rclone.

type = drive
scope = drive
token = XXX
team_drive = 

A log from the command that you were trying to run with the -vv flag

ABOUT THE LOG FILE: The FIRST LOG: output is with the flag -n (dry run). The SECOND LOG: output is the execution of the same command, without -n. The THIRD LOG is the same run as the second log but with ---log-level DEBUG, with parts cut out to keep it shorter (marked with ...etc...)

(I would upload the log file however new users apparently aren't allowed to upload files)


~ $ rclone bisync /home/user/AutoEinm googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive -v -Ml --compare size,modtime,checksum --resilient --recover --max-lock 2m --disable ListR --check-access --track-renames --conflict-resolve newer --conflict-loser pathname --conflict-suffix "{20060102}_{150405}-raspberrypi4b","{20060102}_{150405}-googledrive" --exclude-if-present .nosync --delete-excluded -n
2024/12/10 18:18:40 NOTICE: bisync is IN BETA. Don't use in production!
2024/12/10 18:18:40 INFO  : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: 
        "Modtime": true,
        "Size": true,
        "Checksum": true,
        "HashType1": 1,
        "HashType2": 1,
        "NoSlowHash": false,
        "SlowHashSyncOnly": false,
        "SlowHashDetected": true,
        "DownloadHash": false
2024/12/10 18:18:40 INFO  : Synching Path1 "local{b6816}:/home/user/AutoEinm/" with Path2 "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive/"
2024/12/10 18:18:40 INFO  : Building Path1 and Path2 listings
2024/12/10 18:18:41 INFO  : Path1 checking for diffs
2024/12/10 18:18:41 INFO  : Path2 checking for diffs
2024/12/10 18:18:41 NOTICE: - Path2    File is new               - AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb
2024/12/10 18:18:41 INFO  : Path2:    1 changes:    1 new,    0 modified,    0 deleted
2024/12/10 18:18:41 INFO  : Checking access health
2024/12/10 18:18:41 INFO  : Found 1 matching "RCLONE_TEST" files on both paths
2024/12/10 18:18:41 INFO  : Applying changes
2024/12/10 18:18:41 NOTICE: - Path2    Queue copy to Path1       - local{b6816}:/home/user/AutoEinm/AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb
2024/12/10 18:18:41 NOTICE: - Path2    Do queued copies to                - Path1
2024/12/10 18:18:42 INFO  : Local file system at /home/user/AutoEinm: Making map for --track-renames
2024/12/10 18:18:42 INFO  : Local file system at /home/user/AutoEinm: Finished making map for --track-renames
2024/12/10 18:18:42 NOTICE: AutoEinm1.ipynb: Skipped move as --dry-run is set (size 1.655Mi)
2024/12/10 18:18:42 INFO  : AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb: Renamed from "AutoEinm1.ipynb"
2024/12/10 18:18:42 NOTICE: test1/Copy of test2.txt: Skipped delete as --dry-run is set (size 5)
etc (skipping of deletion as --dry-run is set)
imagestest/corner_detection_corners20_quality0.01_minDistance80img0.png: Skipped delete as --dry-run is set (size 310.342Ki)
2024/12/10 18:18:42 NOTICE: test1: Skipped remove directory as --dry-run is set
2024/12/10 18:18:42 NOTICE: imagestest: Skipped remove directory as --dry-run is set
2024/12/10 18:18:42 INFO  : There was nothing to transfer
2024/12/10 18:18:42 INFO  : Updating listings
2024/12/10 18:18:42 INFO  : Bisync successful
2024/12/10 18:18:42 NOTICE: 
Transferred:        1.655 MiB / 1.655 MiB, 100%, 0 B/s, ETA -
Checks:                77 / 77, 100%
Deleted:               24 (files), 2 (dirs), 11.114 MiB (freed)
Renamed:                1
Elapsed time:         2.7s


~ $ rclone bisync /home/user/AutoEinm googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive -v -Ml --compare size,modtime,checksum --resilient --recover --max-lock 2m --disable ListR --check-access --track-renames --conflict-resolve newer --conflict-loser pathname --conflict-suffix "{20060102}_{150405}-raspberrypi4b","{20060102}_{150405}-googledrive" --exclude-if-present .nosync --delete-excluded
2024/12/10 18:23:07 NOTICE: bisync is IN BETA. Don't use in production!
2024/12/10 18:23:07 INFO  : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: 
        "Modtime": true,
        "Size": true,
        "Checksum": true,
        "HashType1": 1,
        "HashType2": 1,
        "NoSlowHash": false,
        "SlowHashSyncOnly": false,
        "SlowHashDetected": true,
        "DownloadHash": false
2024/12/10 18:23:07 INFO  : /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive.lck: Lock file found, but it expired at 2024-12-10 15:24:25.332138243 +0100 CET. Will delete it and proceed.
2024/12/10 18:23:07 INFO  : lock file renewed for 2m0s. New expiration: 2024-12-10 18:25:07.061083216 +0100 CET m=+120.564785671
2024/12/10 18:23:07 INFO  : Synching Path1 "local{b6816}:/home/user/AutoEinm/" with Path2 "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive/"
2024/12/10 18:23:07 NOTICE: Listings not found. Reverting to prior backup as --recover is set. 
Path1: /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive.path1.lst
Path2: /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive.path2.lst
2024/12/10 18:23:07 INFO  : Validating backup listings for Path1 "local{b6816}:/home/user/AutoEinm/" vs Path2 "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive/"
2024/12/10 18:23:07 INFO  : Backup listing is valid.
2024/12/10 18:23:07 INFO  : Building Path1 and Path2 listings
2024/12/10 18:23:08 INFO  : Path1 checking for diffs
2024/12/10 18:23:08 INFO  : Path2 checking for diffs
2024/12/10 18:23:08 INFO  : - Path2    File is new               - AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb
2024/12/10 18:23:08 INFO  : Path2:    1 changes:    1 new,    0 modified,    0 deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:08 INFO  : Checking access health
2024/12/10 18:23:08 INFO  : Found 1 matching "RCLONE_TEST" files on both paths
2024/12/10 18:23:08 INFO  : Applying changes
2024/12/10 18:23:08 INFO  : - Path2    Queue copy to Path1       - local{b6816}:/home/user/AutoEinm/AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb
2024/12/10 18:23:08 INFO  : - Path2    Do queued copies to                - Path1
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : Local file system at /home/user/AutoEinm: Making map for --track-renames
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : Local file system at /home/user/AutoEinm: Finished making map for --track-renames
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : AutoEinm1.ipynb: Moved (server-side) to: AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb: Renamed from "AutoEinm1.ipynb"
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : test1/test2.txt: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : imagestest/corner_detection_corners20_quality0.01_minDistance80img0.png: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : RCLONE_TEST: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : py_int_path.py: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : imagestest/corner_detection_img0_crop_maxcorners4.png: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : imagestest/corner_detection_img1_crop_maxcorners4.png: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : imagestest/corner_detection_img6.png: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : imagestest/corner_detection_img9.png: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : imagestest/corner_detection_corners20_quality0.01_minDistance80img1.png: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : imagestest/corner_detection_img7.png: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : imagestest/Copy of corner_detection_img9.png: Deleted
imagestest/corner_detection_img1_cropexample1.png: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : imagestest/corner_detection_img0.png: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : imagestest/corner_detection_img5.png: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : cameratest1.py: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : imagestest/corner_detection_corners20_quality0.01_minDistance80_img1.png: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : imagestest/corner_detection_img2.png: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : test1/Copy of test2.txt: Deleted
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : test1: Removing directory
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : imagestest: Removing directory
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : There was nothing to transfer
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : Updating listings
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : Validating listings for Path1 "local{b6816}:/home/user/AutoEinm/" vs Path2 "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive/"
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : Bisync successful
2024/12/10 18:23:09 INFO  : 
Transferred:              0 B / 0 B, -, 0 B/s, ETA -
Checks:                77 / 77, 100%
Deleted:               24 (files), 2 (dirs), 11.114 MiB (freed)
Renamed:                1
Server Side Moves:      1 @ 1.655 MiB
Elapsed time:         2.3s

2024/12/11 09:29:09 DEBUG : 10 go routines active
2024/12/11 09:31:49 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.68.2" starting with parameters ["rclone" "bisync" "/home/user/AutoEinm" "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive" "-Ml" "--compare" "size,modtime,checksum" "--resilient" "--recover" "--max-lock" "2m" "--disable" "ListR" "--track-renames" "--conflict-resolve" "newer" "--conflict-loser" "pathname" "--conflict-suffix" "{20060102}_{150405}-raspberrypi4b,{20060102}_{150405}-googledrive" "--exclude-if-present" ".nosync" "--delete-excluded" "--log-file=/home/user/LOGFILErclone.txt" "--log-level" "DEBUG"]
2024/12/11 09:31:49 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/user/AutoEinm"
2024/12/11 09:31:49 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/user/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2024/12/11 09:31:49 DEBUG : local: detected overridden config - adding "{b6816}" suffix to name
2024/12/11 09:31:49 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR"
2024/12/11 09:31:49 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "/home/user/AutoEinm" to be canonical "local{b6816}:/home/user/AutoEinm"
2024/12/11 09:31:49 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive"
2024/12/11 09:31:49 DEBUG : Reset feature "ListR"
2024/12/11 09:31:49 DEBUG : Google drive root 'raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive': 'root_folder_id = 0AOyw1XVwEBLfUk9PVA' - save this in the config to speed up startup
2024/12/11 09:31:49 NOTICE: bisync is IN BETA. Don't use in production!
2024/12/11 09:31:49 INFO  : Bisyncing with Comparison Settings: 
	"Modtime": true,
	"Size": true,
	"Checksum": true,
	"HashType1": 1,
	"HashType2": 1,
	"NoSlowHash": false,
	"SlowHashSyncOnly": false,
	"SlowHashDetected": true,
	"DownloadHash": false
2024/12/11 09:31:49 DEBUG : Lock file created: /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive.lck
2024/12/11 09:31:49 INFO  : lock file renewed for 2m0s. New expiration: 2024-12-11 09:33:49.80441866 +0100 CET m=+120.556298268
2024/12/11 09:31:49 INFO  : Synching Path1 "local{b6816}:/home/user/AutoEinm/" with Path2 "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive/"
2024/12/11 09:31:49 DEBUG : : updated backup-dir for Path1
2024/12/11 09:31:49 DEBUG : : updated backup-dir for Path2
2024/12/11 09:31:49 INFO  : Building Path1 and Path2 listings
2024/12/11 09:31:49 DEBUG : &{0x40006fef00 0x4000562248 false false false /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive.path1.lst /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive.path2.lst /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive.path1.lst-new /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive.path2.lst-new map[] 0x40006a0900 {{}} {{}} false false <nil> <nil>  /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive.lck map[] false}: starting to march!
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb: path2 only
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb: is Object
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : AutoEinm1.ipynb: both path1 and path2
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : AutoEinm1.ipynb: is Object
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: both path1 and path2
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: is Object
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : cameratest1.py: both path1 and path2
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : cameratest1.py: is Object
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : imagestest: both path1 and path2
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : imagestest: is Dir
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : py_int_path.py: both path1 and path2
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : py_int_path.py: is Object
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : test1: both path1 and path2
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : test1: is Dir
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : test1/test2.txt: both path1 and path2
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : test1/test2.txt: is Object
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : imagestest/corner_detection_corners20_quality0.01_minDistance80_img0.png: both path1 and path2
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : imagestest/corner_detection_corners20_quality0.01_minDistance80_img0.png: is Object
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : imagestest/corner_detection_corners20_quality0.01_minDistance80_img1.png: both path1 and path2
imagestest/corner_detection_img1_cropexample1.png: both path1 and path2
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : imagestest/corner_detection_img1_cropexample1.png: is Object
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : imagestest/corner_detection_img2.png: both path1 and path2
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : imagestest/corner_detection_img2.png: is Object
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : imagestest/corner_detection_img3.png: both path1 and path2
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : imagestest/corner_detection_img9.png: is Object
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : &{0x40006fef00 0x4000562248 false false false /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive.path1.lst /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive.path2.lst /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive.path1.lst-new /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive.path2.lst-new map[] 0x40006a0900 {{}} {{}} false false <nil> <nil>  /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive.lck map[] false}: march completed. err: <nil>
2024/12/11 09:31:50 INFO  : Path1 checking for diffs
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : 2024-12-11 08:28:48.122589267 +0000 UTC: modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ns)
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : 2024-12-11 08:23:46.565541348 +0000 UTC: modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ns)
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : 2024-12-11 08:23:46.461542368 +0000 UTC: modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ns)
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : 2024-12-11 08:23:52.097487135 +0000 UTC: modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ns)
2024/12/11 09:31:50 INFO  : Path2 checking for diffs
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : 2024-12-11 08:28:48.122589267 +0000 UTC: Modification times differ by -14h43m12.437589267s: 2024-12-11 08:28:48.122589267 +0000 UTC, 2024-12-10 17:45:35.685 +0000 UTC
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : AutoEinm1.ipynb: (old: 2024-12-11 08:28:48.122589267 +0000 UTC current: 2024-12-10 17:45:35.685 +0000 UTC)
2024/12/11 09:31:50 INFO  : - Path2             File changed: time (older)                  - AutoEinm1.ipynb
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : 2024-12-11 08:23:46.565541348 +0000 UTC: modification time the same (differ by -541.348µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : 2024-12-11 08:23:51.997488115 +0000 UTC: modification time the same (differ by -488.115µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : 2024-12-11 08:23:46.461542368 +0000 UTC: modification time the same (differ by -542.368µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : 2024-12-11 08:23:52.097487135 +0000 UTC: modification time the same (differ by -487.135µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2024/12/11 09:31:50 INFO  : - Path2             File is new                                 - AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb
2024/12/11 09:31:50 INFO  : Path2:    2 changes:    1 new,    1 modified,    0 deleted
2024/12/11 09:31:50 INFO  : (Modified:    0 newer,    1 older)
2024/12/11 09:31:50 INFO  : Applying changes
2024/12/11 09:31:50 INFO  : - Path2             Queue copy to Path1                         - local{b6816}:/home/user/AutoEinm/AutoEinm1.ipynb
2024/12/11 09:31:50 INFO  : - Path2             Queue copy to Path1                         - local{b6816}:/home/user/AutoEinm/AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb
2024/12/11 09:31:50 INFO  : - Path2             Do queued copies to                         - Path1
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : : updated backup-dir for Path1
2024/12/11 09:31:50 DEBUG : overriding equal
2024/12/11 09:31:51 DEBUG : test1: Excluded
2024/12/11 09:31:51 DEBUG : imagestest: Excluded
2024/12/11 09:31:51 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Excluded (FilesFrom Filter)
2024/12/11 09:31:51 DEBUG : RCLONE_TEST: Excluded
2024/12/11 09:31:51 DEBUG : py_int_path.py: Excluded (FilesFrom Filter)
2024/12/11 09:31:51 DEBUG : py_int_path.py: Excluded
2024/12/11 09:31:51 DEBUG : cameratest1.py: Excluded (FilesFrom Filter)
2024/12/11 09:31:51 DEBUG : cameratest1.py: Excluded
2024/12/11 09:31:51 DEBUG : writing result: 
	"Src": "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive/",
	"Dst": "",
	"Name": "AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb",
	"AltName": "",
	"Size": 1735562,
	"Modtime": "2024-12-11T08:31:10.426Z",
	"Hash": "b8a7dd24050e94567f1d0eceb4778033",
	"Flags": "-",
	"Sigil": 43,
	"Err": null,
	"Winner": {
		"Obj": {},
		"Side": "src",
		"Err": null
	"IsWinner": true,
	"IsSrc": true,
	"IsDst": false,
	"Origin": "sync"
2024/12/11 09:31:51 DEBUG : writing result: 
	"Src": "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive/",
	"Dst": "",
	"Name": "AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb",
	"AltName": "",
	"Size": 1735562,
	"Modtime": "2024-12-11T08:31:10.426Z",
	"Hash": "b8a7dd24050e94567f1d0eceb4778033",
	"Flags": "-",
	"Sigil": 43,
	"Err": null,
	"Winner": {
		"Obj": {},
		"Side": "src",
		"Err": null
	"IsWinner": false,
	"IsSrc": false,
	"IsDst": true,
	"Origin": "sync"


2024/12/11 09:31:51 DEBUG : writing result: 
	"Src": "",
	"Dst": "local{b6816}:/home/user/AutoEinm/",
	"Name": "imagestest/corner_detection_img9.png",
	"AltName": "",
	"Size": 305252,
	"Modtime": "2024-12-11T08:23:51.997488115Z",
	"Hash": "8a1b4cf8dac1c88c5e9967a30f1ce2bc",
	"Flags": "-",
	"Sigil": 45,
	"Err": null,
	"Winner": {
		"Obj": null,
		"Side": "none",
		"Err": null
	"IsWinner": false,
	"IsSrc": false,
	"IsDst": true,
	"Origin": "sync"
2024/12/11 09:31:51 INFO  : Local file system at /home/user/AutoEinm: Making map for --track-renames
2024/12/11 09:31:51 INFO  : Local file system at /home/user/AutoEinm: Finished making map for --track-renames
2024/12/11 09:31:51 DEBUG : Local file system at /home/user/AutoEinm: Waiting for checks to finish
2024/12/11 09:31:51 DEBUG : Local file system at /home/user/AutoEinm: Waiting for renames to finish
2024/12/11 09:31:51 DEBUG : AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb: Need to transfer - No matching file found at Destination
2024/12/11 09:31:51 DEBUG : Local file system at /home/user/AutoEinm: Waiting for transfers to finish
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb: md5 = b8a7dd24050e94567f1d0eceb4778033 OK
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb.50c07ead.partial: renamed to: AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb
2024/12/11 09:31:52 INFO  : AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb: Copied (new)
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : Waiting for deletions to finish
2024/12/11 09:31:52 INFO  : imagestest/corner_detection_img1_cropexample1.png: Deleted
2024/12/11 09:31:52 INFO  : imagestest/corner_detection_img6.png: Deleted
2024/12/11 09:31:52 INFO  : imagestest/corner_detection_img1.png: Deleted
2024/12/11 09:31:52 INFO  :
etc (deletion)
2024/12/11 09:31:52 INFO  : imagestest/corner_detection_corners20_quality0.01_minDistance80_img1.png: Deleted
2024/12/11 09:31:52 INFO  : test1: Removing directory
2024/12/11 09:31:52 INFO  : imagestest: Removing directory
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : Local file system at /home/user/AutoEinm: deleted 2 directories
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : failed to marshal input: json: unsupported type: operations.LoggerFn
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : logger: 

2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : result: 
	"Src": "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive/",
	"Dst": "",
	"Name": "AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb",
	"AltName": "",
	"Size": 1735562,
	"Modtime": "2024-12-11T08:31:10.426Z",
	"Hash": "b8a7dd24050e94567f1d0eceb4778033",
	"Flags": "-",
	"Sigil": 43,
	"Err": null,
	"Winner": {
		"Obj": null,
		"Side": "src",
		"Err": null
	"IsWinner": true,
	"IsSrc": true,
	"IsDst": false,
	"Origin": "sync"


2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : Got 52 results for copy2to1
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : -  1735562 b8a7dd24050e94567f1d0eceb4778033  2024-12-11 08:31:10.426 +0000 UTC "AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb"
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : -  1735562 b8a7dd24050e94567f1d0eceb4778033  2024-12-11 08:31:10.426 +0000 UTC "AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb"
+0000 UTC "imagestest/corner_detection_img9.png"
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : syncing empty dirs
2024/12/11 09:31:52 INFO  : Updating listings
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : updating 2to1
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : results: 
		"Src": "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive/",
		"Dst": "",
		"Name": "AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb",
		"AltName": "",
		"Size": 1735562,
		"Modtime": "2024-12-11T08:31:10.426Z",
		"Hash": "b8a7dd24050e94567f1d0eceb4778033",
		"Flags": "-",
		"Sigil": 43,
		"Err": null,
		"Winner": {
			"Obj": null,
			"Side": "src",
			"Err": null
		"IsWinner": true,
		"IsSrc": true,
		"IsDst": false,
		"Origin": "sync"


2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : queue: 
	"AutoEinm1.ipynb": null,
	"AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb": null
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : winner: copy to src: 
	"Src": "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive/",
	"Dst": "",
	"Name": "AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb",
	"AltName": "",
	"Size": 1735562,
	"Modtime": "2024-12-11T08:31:10.426Z",
	"Hash": "b8a7dd24050e94567f1d0eceb4778033",
	"Flags": "-",
	"Sigil": 43,
	"Err": null,
	"Winner": {
		"Obj": null,
		"Side": "src",
		"Err": null
	"IsWinner": true,
	"IsSrc": true,
	"IsDst": false,
	"Origin": "sync"
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : winner: copy to dst: 
	"Src": "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive/",
	"Dst": "",
	"Name": "AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb",
	"AltName": "",
	"Size": 1735562,
	"Modtime": "2024-12-11T08:31:10.426Z",
	"Hash": "b8a7dd24050e94567f1d0eceb4778033",
	"Flags": "-",
	"Sigil": 43,
	"Err": null,
	"Winner": {
		"Obj": null,
		"Side": "src",
		"Err": null
	"IsWinner": true,
	"IsSrc": true,
	"IsDst": false,
	"Origin": "sync"
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : winner: copy to src: 
	"Src": "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive/",
	"Dst": "local{b6816}:/home/user/AutoEinm/",
	"Name": "AutoEinm1.ipynb",
	"AltName": "",
	"Size": 1735562,
	"Modtime": "2024-12-10T17:45:35.685Z",
	"Hash": "b8a7dd24050e94567f1d0eceb4778033",
	"Flags": "-",
	"Sigil": 61,
	"Err": null,
	"Winner": {
		"Obj": null,
		"Side": "src",
		"Err": null
	"IsWinner": true,
	"IsSrc": true,
	"IsDst": false,
	"Origin": "sync"
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : winner: copy to dst: 
	"Src": "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive/",
	"Dst": "local{b6816}:/home/user/AutoEinm/",
	"Name": "AutoEinm1.ipynb",
	"AltName": "",
	"Size": 1735562,
	"Modtime": "2024-12-10T17:45:35.685Z",
	"Hash": "b8a7dd24050e94567f1d0eceb4778033",
	"Flags": "-",
	"Sigil": 61,
	"Err": null,
	"Winner": {
		"Obj": null,
		"Side": "src",
		"Err": null
	"IsWinner": true,
	"IsSrc": true,
	"IsDst": false,
	"Origin": "sync"
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : decision: copied to src: AutoEinm1.ipynb
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : decision: copied to src: AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : decision: copied to dst: AutoEinm1.ipynb
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : decision: copied to dst: AutoEinm1_copypaste.ipynb
2024/12/11 09:31:52 INFO  : Validating listings for Path1 "local{b6816}:/home/user/AutoEinm/" vs Path2 "googledrive:raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive/"
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : 2024-12-10 17:45:35.685 +0000 UTC: modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : 2024-12-11 08:23:52.097487135 +0000 UTC: modification time the same (differ by -487.135µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : Lock file removed: /home/user/.cache/rclone/bisync/local__home_user_AutoEinm..googledrive_raspberrypi4b_home_user_AutoEinm_gdrive.lck
2024/12/11 09:31:52 INFO  : Bisync successful
2024/12/11 09:31:52 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	    1.655 MiB / 1.655 MiB, 100%, 252.006 KiB/s, ETA 0s
Checks:                70 / 70, 100%
Deleted:               22 (files), 2 (dirs), 10.823 MiB (freed)
Transferred:            1 / 1, 100%
Elapsed time:         3.3s

2024/12/11 09:31:52 DEBUG : 11 go routines active

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