Creating an ISO from a server with configured rclone

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Just wanted to know if anyone tried to create a server img/iso from a server with configured rclone.
Will rclone work ok on the destination server with the installed img ? All configuration will be automated as I configured it from the base server ? Or is it problematic because as part of the config its genrates an access token ?



an .iso is a type of file, correct?

not sure what you are asking?

yes, creating from a server a custom img that will be installed on other servers as a template.
Is it possible to copy it with all rclone configuration or is rclone config needs to be done manually in order to create a token?

instead of going back and forth, can you please answer the questions in the template.

You mean take an image of an existing server (like a VM snapshot) and use that elsewhere?

You can copy rclone and its config file and it will work just fine.

Some backends are fussy about sharing the tokens (eg box) but most work fine. Which backends are you interested in?

i did not undertand what you were asking about, did you re-edit the first post?
not sure what the operating system nor the cloud provider are?
could give better advice with that info.

rclone is a portable app, does not need to be installed.
what i do is copy the rclone app and config file into the same folder on the dest server.

instead of using tokens, pehaps use service account files.

and to keep rclone up to date, rclone selfupdate

Yes exactly, I'm using rclone with SharePoint and I want to ensure that there is no problem to use the image, because sharepoint using access token

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