Couldn't decode error response: EOF

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I have successfully synced most files between local and remote (B2), but a few stubborn files -- especially those in hidden directories -- are incorrectly decoded and received the error message of not deleting files "as there were IO errors."

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone v1.57.0

  • os/version: darwin 11.3.1 (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 20.4.0 (x86_64)
  • os/type: darwin
  • os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.17.2
  • go/linking: dynamic
  • go/tags: cmount

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

/usr/local/bin/rclone sync '/Users/abc/My Drive/my-vault' b2:my-vault --bwlimit 10M --exclude .git/ --exclude .DS_Store --progress --transfers 20 --retries 5

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

rclone works; most files work; only a few are in questions.

A log from the command with the -vv flag

2021-12-31 00:05:31 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF
2021-12-31 00:05:31 ERROR : .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/data.json: Failed to set modification time: failed to HEAD for download: Unknown 403 Forbidden (403 unknown)
2021-12-31 00:05:31 DEBUG : .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/data.json: Unchanged skipping
2021-12-31 00:05:31 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 1/10 (error Post "": EOF)
2021-12-31 00:05:31 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 20ms
2021-12-31 00:05:32 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 10ms


2021-12-31 00:05:33 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 1/10 (error Post "": EOF)
2021-12-31 00:05:33 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 20ms
2021-12-31 00:05:34 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF
2021-12-31 00:05:34 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 10ms
2021-12-31 00:05:34 ERROR : .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-kanban/styles.css: Failed to set modification time: failed to HEAD for download: Unknown 403 Forbidden (403 unknown)
2021-12-31 00:05:34 DEBUG : .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-kanban/styles.css: Unchanged skipping
2021-12-31 00:05:36 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 1/10 (error Post "": http: server closed idle connection)
2021-12-31 00:05:36 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 20ms
2021-12-31 00:05:36 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 10ms


2021-12-31 00:05:58 ERROR : B2 bucket my-vault: not deleting files as there were IO errors
2021-12-31 00:05:58 ERROR : B2 bucket my-vault: not deleting directories as there were IO errors
2021-12-31 00:05:58 ERROR : Fatal error received - not attempting retries

hello and welcome to the forum,

so each time you run rclone sync the exact same files fail?

Thanks for your kind reply! Not always, but the list of errors grows among these hidden files! :sweat_smile:

Upon a second run, .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/data.json now has the following error:

2021-12-31 01:05:54 DEBUG : .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/data.json: Sizes differ (src 435 vs dst 458)
2021-12-31 01:05:54 DEBUG : .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/data[Conflict 1].json: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
2021-12-31 01:05:54 DEBUG : .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/data[Conflict 1].json: Unchanged skipping
2021-12-31 01:05:54 DEBUG : .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/data[Conflict 2].json: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
2021-12-31 01:05:54 DEBUG : .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/data[Conflict 2].json: Unchanged skipping
2021-12-31 01:05:54 DEBUG : .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/data[Conflict].json: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
2021-12-31 01:05:54 DEBUG : .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/data[Conflict].json: Unchanged skipping


2021-12-31 01:06:06 DEBUG : .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/data.json: sha1 = 2f6b3001a4f525fa5342723951f6d7c8f6486a1b OK
2021-12-31 01:06:06 INFO  : .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-git/data.json: Copied (replaced existing)

But other files -- among them some new ones -- are still having the same error message.

2021-12-31 01:06:05 DEBUG : Couldn't decode error response: EOF
2021-12-31 01:06:05 ERROR : .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-kanban/styles.css: Failed to set modification time: failed to HEAD for download: Unknown 403 Forbidden (403 unknown)
2021-12-31 01:06:05 DEBUG : .obsidian/plugins/obsidian-kanban/styles.css: Unchanged skipping

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

sorry, not sure exactly what is going on, too many issues.

  • Couldn't decode error response: EOF
  • pacer: low level retry
  • Unknown 403 Forbidden (403 unknown)
  • server closed idle connection

some of that might be due to --transfers 20, i would remove that and use the default value of 4.

looks like the source and dest files do not match.
that the source changed, rclone noticed that, so rclone copied the source to the dest.
where is the error?

Many thanks for your reply. So first thing first, I can confirm that if I exclude all hidden files and delete what is excluded, everything went swimmingly. rclone sync '/Users/abc/My Drive/my-vault' b2:my-vault --exclude '.*{/**,}' --delete-excluded did not produce any error messages. This is probably the best -- and easiest -- solution, and I will henceforth filter hidden files from the back-up.

That being said, I still want to figure out why there were so many issues to begin with. Per your suggestion, I changed --transfer 20 to 4; the server issue went away. However, looking at the error log, there are now new issues with the certificate:

2021-12-31 10:22:34 ERROR : .obsidian/plugins/code-block-copy/main.js: Failed to set modification time: failed to HEAD for download: Head "": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

Why is there a failure to set modification time, when js, json, and css files for other plugins were successfully synced? The problematic files are only a small subset of plugin files; when inspecting them manually, they all appear valid and no different from others.

This seems to be the last remaining issue; as I mentioned earlier, it's probably good practice to exclude hidden files from sync, and I really appreciate your kind help with everything.

you have a lot of different errors, the only common element is your local computer, network issues.

as for hidden, windows+linux, never had an issue and not sure i have seen other rcloners with that issue.
is the issue that the files are hidden or the file pattern .*

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