Copying OneDrive Shared Folders/Files

Observations on OneDrive Sharing and Rclone Compatibility

Type of Share Anyone People You Choose People in Same Org
Personal -> Business
Business -> Personal
Personal -> Personal :heavy_check_mark:
Business -> Business :heavy_check_mark:
Within Organization :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:


  1. Personal OneDrive shared links can't be configured to work only for specific people you choose. These links function for anyone who has the link.

  2. :heavy_check_mark: Meaning:

    • The folder/file shared is displayed in the Shared With Me page of OneDrive.
    • It can be added as a shortcut to OneDrive Files.
    • Once added as a shortcut, the folder/file behaves like a normal folder/file in rclone (source).
    • These cases are already solved.
  3. ✘ Meaning:

    • The shared folder/file is not displayed in the Shared With Me page of OneDrive.
    • It cannot be added as a shortcut to OneDrive Files.
    • These cases require a solution.


I came across a forum post discussing a GitHub script to download folders shared publicly.
However, I am looking for:

  1. A direct way to copy the files/folders from publicly shared links to another OneDrive (server-side).
  2. Solutions for cases where the files are not shared publicly.

Thank You!