Copy progress help?

As @Code-Slave said, the -v option is required to show progress. Add --stats 30s to see the progress every 30 seconds if you don’t want the default of every minute (change 30s to 5m or 20s or whatever you want).

Unfortunately, it won’t show you the progress of ALL copies. What I mean is that rclone has no idea whether it has 1 more file to copy or 1,000 more files. GUI OSs like Windows and MacOS spend a LONG time counting files before the first bit is moved so that they can count down from 1,000 files to copy down to 0. Rclone–and most command line utilities–simply starts copying the moment it sees a file that meets the copy parameters while still checking files in the background. Of course, if you already know that you have 100 GB to copy and “Transferred” shows 95 GB, then a good guess would be that you have 5 more GB to go!

You don’t mention what OS you’re using. I run all my Linux sessions inside TMUX which means that if my laptop goes to sleep or I log out or I lose power, my session continues unabated. I can even transfer my terminal from one computer to another without killing off a remote connection to a Linux box running an rclone copy.