Combine remote decrypts files when moving to --backup-dir... expected?

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Just wondering whether or not this is expected behavior. When using --backup-dir with a combine remote that combines crypt and non-crypt (on the same base remote), instead of the files getting server-side moved into the backup-dir in their encrypted form, they get decrypted and copied into the backup-dir, but with metadata that reveals their previous encrypted names.

For example, assume the following setup (configs shared below).

├── NormalStuff
│   └── somenormalfolder
├── SecretStuff
│   └── somesecretfolder
│       └── somesecretfile.txt
└── backupdir

Then rename a file and sync:

rclone sync /localstuff/SecretStuff MyCombinedStuff:SecretStuff -Mv --backup-dir MyCombinedStuff:backupdir
2024/01/14 00:31:21 INFO  : somesecretfolder/somesecretfile2.txt: Copied (new)
2024/01/14 00:31:23 INFO  : somesecretfolder/somesecretfile.txt: Copied (new)
2024/01/14 00:31:24 INFO  : somesecretfolder/somesecretfile.txt: Deleted
2024/01/14 00:31:24 INFO  : somesecretfolder/somesecretfile.txt: Moved into backup dir
2024/01/14 00:31:24 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	         32 B / 32 B, 100%, 10 B/s, ETA 0s
Checks:                 3 / 3, 100%
Deleted:                2 (files), 0 (dirs)
Renamed:                1
Transferred:            2 / 2, 100%
Elapsed time:         3.9s

now we have this:

rclone tree MyCombinedStuff:                                                                                                                     
├── NormalStuff
│   └── somenormalfolder
├── SecretStuff
│   └── somesecretfolder
│       └── somesecretfile2.txt
└── backupdir
    └── somesecretfolder
        └── somesecretfile.txt

6 directories, 2 files

And on the underlying remote, the file is no longer encrypted.

Additionally, on at least Google Drive, the file retains metadata that reveals its former encrypted name:

--backup-dir normally requires server-side move, so my initial assumption was that the base remote would move the files in their existing form. I understand why it's not doing that, and it's easy enough to work around (by putting the backup-dir on the encrypted side) -- just wondering if it's the intended behavior. (I suppose the other way would have problems too, as it would result in mixing crypt with non-crypt?)

Relatedly, I am wondering if this is a mistake, or if I'm somehow misunderstanding it:

The comment suggests it respects --backup-dir, but wouldn't it always be nil? The function it returns is:

func DeleteFileWithBackupDir(ctx context.Context, dst fs.Object, backupDir fs.Fs) (err error) {

which does:

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone v1.65.1
- os/version: darwin 13.6.3 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 22.6.0 (arm64)
- os/type: darwin
- os/arch: arm64 (ARMv8 compatible)
- go/version: go1.21.5
- go/linking: dynamic
- go/tags: cmount

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive, Crypt, Combine

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone sync /localstuff/SecretStuff MyCombinedStuff:SecretStuff -Mv --backup-dir MyCombinedStuff:backupdir

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = combine
upstreams = NormalStuff=TestDrive:Test SecretStuff=SecretStuff: backupdir=TestDrive:Backup

type = drive
client_id = XXX
client_secret = XXX
scope = drive
token = XXX
team_drive = 
root_folder_id = XXX

type = crypt
remote = TestDrive:secretstuff
password = XXX

A log from the command with the -vv flag

Included above.

I wouldn't expect an encrypted file to arrive in an unencrypted remote.

I think that is what I would expect.

Hmm, interesting!

We do set the Description to be the leaf name when upload files the first time. Can't remember why we do that!

Because you've used the -M flag the description is being preserved on the copy.

You could overwrite this with --metadata-set description= I think.

This is because it is wrapped in a combine. The combine backend advertises server side move (the Move method) because all of its parts support Move.

However when rclone comes to do the server side move, the combine backend figures it can't do it and returns fs.ErrorCantMove which then causes the fallback download/upload that you are seeing.

The comment is definitely wrong - it doesn't use the backup dir as you surmised!

Looking at the places it is called some of those maybe should be using the backupdir

491: 		return operations.DeleteFile(ctx, obj)
41: 			return operations.DeleteFile(context.Background(), fileObj)
581: 			err := operations.DeleteFile(ctx, obj)
636: 				err = operations.DeleteFile(ctx, obj)
 66: 		err := DeleteFile(ctx, o)
130: 				err := DeleteFile(ctx, o)
 374: 			err = DeleteFile(ctx, dst)
 410: 	return newDst, DeleteFile(ctx, src)
1812: 				err = DeleteFile(ctx, srcObj)
276: 		return nil, DeleteFile(ctx, o)
397: 						s.processError(operations.DeleteFile(s.ctx, src))
443: 				err = operations.DeleteFile(ctx, src)

To get the backup dir you call operations.BackupDir which is a relatively expensive operation so we should encourage the callers to call operations.DeleteFileWithBackupDir and look up the backupdir outside the loop.

So perhaps what we should do is

  1. leave operations.DeleteFile alone but fix the comment to say call DeleteFileWIthBackup if --backup-dir support is required
  2. add a note to DeleteFileWithBackup noting that you use BackupDir to find the --backup-dir and that it is relatively expensive so don't put it in a loop
  3. audit the existings call sides for operations.DeleteFile and try to figure out whether they should be obeying --backup-dir or not.

I think this is enough stuff that we should probably make an issue about it - do you mind doing the honours?

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Thanks for clarifying! I will open an issue as you suggested.

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