Changing Rclone arguments after mounting with NSSM - am beginner

For starters, I am on Windows 10 64-bit, I am using Google Drive as my storage, and I'm doing all of this for Plex. I followed a Reddit guide that I have come to learn through scrolling on here is bad (and it is bad, because it didn't show me why I was doing the things I was doing).

Guide for reference:

Here's my issue: The Plex streaming from this mount has always been sort of bad, but I accepted that since the rclone/gdrive setup was so convenient. Lately, I've really wanted to fix it so I can stream 4K Remux / 60000 bitrate things over my fiber connection. The issue is the buffering. Through learning on here, I created my mount command that gets auto-mounted daily (I assume by NSSM?) with an old standard, using the caching feature that is now outdated.

I read this guide:

But I don't know how to change my arguments or anything to adjust these settings. So foolishly, I redid this Reddit guide setup today with a Frankenstein list of commands from this thread, as well as some of the things in the guide, and now I have two mounts, and they're both performing slower, possibly because of redundancy?

I would say that I should just start the entire process over, but I don't even know how to unmount the drives, and Google has led me down programming holes that I don't really understand. If someone is willing to help, I'd make a donation to a charity of your choice, I'm just so stuck and very unfamiliar with working in powershell.

So the goals are:
Unmount the second NSSM "thing" I just created forever
Change the mount script to a more modern string

Thank you in advance to anyone who has the time or patience to help me out.

hello and welcome to the forum,

i can help you with rclone on windows.

  1. post your current mount command.
  2. post the output of rclone version
  3. instead of complex nssm, use easy windows task scheduler, as it has a nice GUI.
  4. instead of complex powershell, use easy dos batch files.
  5. as for a donation, consider a donation to the primary author here Donations

Thank you for replying -

A small update - I found my NSSM settings in the Registry and deleted them, so now I don't have any mounts showing. Ready to start over and figure this out!

Here's my current mounting command that seems like it's just not working at all now: mount --allow-other --buffer-size 256M --umask 002 --dir-cache-time 1000h --drive-chunk-size 64M --log-level INFO --vfs-read-chunk-size 64M --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit off gdrive: X: --config "C:\Users\beyon.config\rclone\rclone.conf"

  1. I'm on v1.48.0

3 & 4. I will definitely do this as my final steps

  1. Absolutely
  • update to latest stable v1.54.1
  • run the command on the command line first, tweak it as needed, then let's deal with nssm or task scheduler, which is what i use.
  • start with a simple mount command, get that working, then tweak as needed.
    not sure where you got that command from, but it is not very good.
    if you readit on reddit, it has to be true...
    for example, --allow-other does nothing on widows.

try this and see how it works, via the command line.
mount gdrive: X: --config "C:\Users\beyon.config\rclone\rclone.conf"
tho i would create a simple text file, called something like mount.cmd, paste the command into that text file
and run that from the command line.

I have rclone updated and managed to check the version to confirm, so success

That command isn't working for me though, here's what it's throwing:

New-PSDrive : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'C:\Users\beyon.config\rclone\rclone.conf'.
At line:1 char:1
+ mount gdrive: X: --config "C:\Users\beyon.config\rclone\rclone.conf"
*+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

    • CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:slight_smile: [New-PSDrive], ParameterBindingException*
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewPSDriveCommand*

and it's probably because deleting my registry keys that I made with NSSM set me back a few steps in the setup process. To be clear, it was working before I erased those NSSM registry keys, just not the way I wanted it to.

Self - update: I have the mount back using the old parameters in the Regedit from that stupid Reddit thread. I guess, simply, my issues could be solved if I just knew what string to include in the NSSM arguments.

This is what I have now, I know a lot of it is useless: mount --allow-other --dir-cache-time 72h --drive-chunk-size 64M --log-level INFO --vfs-read-chunk-size 32M --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit off gdrive: X: --config "C:\Users*username .config\rclone\rclone.conf" --vfs-cache-mode writes*

What should I replace it with to stream big 4K files and increase my speeds? I think that'll do it for me.

what is the result of a

if you play a video from the start, without seeking, does it buffer?

as a test, using vlc or some media player, play a 4k video without plex.

Speed test results are:
839 down
941 up

Videos played from the start on Plex go for a few minutes, and then buffer every minute or so.

My test video plays fine in VLC with no buffering and no issues.

as a test, i use this command and can stream 4k no problem, no bufering and very fast seeking.
rclone mount remote: s:

so if you can play a 4k using vlc, no buffer, no issues, then your rclone mount command is working fine.
so the issue is not really rclone is it?

i would change --vfs-cache-mode writes to --vfs-cache-mode full

i would take settings from this, it is for linux but the settings are good.

I'm sorry, I thought you meant it might be a computer issue. I was playing the file locally.

It never occurred to me to try it from the folder itself for some reason - in VLC it's perfect. I can jump around, no buffering, it's like the file is local. I guess there must be something wrong with Plex then. I just assumed that rclone couldn't keep up with the bitrate (since lower bitrate files never give issues in Plex), but I guess that's false.

I appreciate your time in helping me today. I'll change that last string to "full". I guess I'll do some research as to why PMS can't keep up with the bitrate.

as another test, you can rclone serve dlna, creates a dlna server and stream from vlc.

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