i need to report this problem i am having as i can not find any info on this anyware on forums or google. have been searching and waiting for someone with the same issue as me to post so i have took time to make new account and report this myself.
Basically i can copy and use any files with normal english letters fine,
but anything with foreign letters (for me, Brazilian letters) does not copy or load.
The files are under 50mb,
I can rename them and then they will work great,
I have tried with latest, beta, and old versions of rclone all with same issue,
i have tried all webdav options rclone has along with adding http and https,
rclone copy works fine and also rclone browser gui works fine when downloading. Only mount is having problems,
I am using the latest version of windows fuse mount (something like winfps/winfuse its called, cant really remember the name),
I have tested beta and older windows fuse versions from official github page all with same the problem.,
I have tested this with other windows pc's all with the same errors,
I have tried other 4shared accounts i have with the same issue,
I have tried so many rclone commands eg ignore check, fast list, root etc etc. you know the ones,
Also, After copy fails, i get that typical i/o error on windows.
I really cant use command line for my work as i need mount usage for what i'm doing.
plus it took me 1:30 hours to write up to this point on this topic so im not the fastest typer.(or speller ;D )
If anyone could look into this or direct me to the right direction on
what i need to do if i mist anything out that explains why its not working,
or any topics that i missed relating the same bug im having.
That would help me and my work out alot.
What is the problem you are having with rclone?
Can Not copy Foreign (in my case Brazilian) letters on 4shared webdav using mount..
What is your rclone version (output from rclone version
.rclone v1.54.0-beta.4872.f89ff3872
- os/arch: windows/amd64
- go version: go1.15.3
Also tried with latest stable version and older versions
all with same results
Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)
Windows 10 64bit (windows fuse mount latest version)
Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)
webdav (4shared) = Tried all webdav options avaible
both with http https all with same results
The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp
rclone mount 4shared:/ s: --vfs-cache-mode full -vv
The rclone config contents with secrets removed.
type = webdav
url = https://webdav.4shared.com
vendor = other
user = (my email with @xxx.com)
pass = (pass token) (added my 4shared pass via config. basic pass with no !£@$&*-_=+~#?/\)
type = webdav
url = http://webdav.4shared.com
vendor = other
user = (my email with @xxx.com)
pass = (pass token) (added my 4shared pass via config. basic pass with no !£@$&*-_=+~#?/\)
type = webdav
url = ->(4shared ip address)
vendor = nextcloud
user = (my email with @xxx.com)
pass = (pass token) (added my 4shared pass via config. basic pass with no !£@$&*-_=+~#?/\)
type = webdav
url = https://webdav.4shared.com
vendor = nextcloud
user = (my email with @xxx.com)
pass = (pass token) (added my 4shared pass via config. basic pass with no !£@$&*-_=+~#?/\)
A log from the command with the -vv
2020/12/27 16:03:17 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2020/12/27 16:03:17 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2020/12/27 16:03:17 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2020/12/27 16:03:17 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x1
2020/12/27 16:03:17 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x1
2020/12/27 16:03:17 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2020/12/27 16:03:17 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/12/27 16:03:17 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/12/27 16:03:17 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2020/12/27 16:03:17 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2020/12/27 16:03:17 DEBUG : /: Opendir: