Cannot save files from program directly to webdav

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Most programs when attempting to save into an rclone webdav (as a way of mounting my google drive (config attached)) give an error along the lines of "cannot save this". For example snipping tool gives me "Couldn't save that image". Paint . net gives a "error occurred when saving this image". and word gives "cannot save file" errors.

This seemed like a similar error, so I added the --vfs-cache-mode writes flag but that appeared to do nothing. It is also worth noting that this only seems to happen when saving directly from a program and not when copy and pasting things using windows explorer. I'm using webDAV as I don't have administrator access on this PC making winFSP out of the question.

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

Start-Process "rclone.exe" -ArgumentList "serve webdav gdrive: --vfs-cache-mode writes -vv"

Please run 'rclone config redacted' and share the full output. If you get command not found, please make sure to update rclone.

type = drive
client_id = XXX
client_secret = XXX
scope = drive
token = XXX
team_drive =

A log from the command that you were trying to run with the -vv flag

welcome to the forum,

try --vfs-cache-mode full

fwiw, can native mount webdav server
net use x:

Hi, thanks!

That doesnt seem to work either... Just get the same errors.

And yeah once the rclone starts the webdav server im mounting it with

& net use "G:" ""

I'd give you a new log but somehow its now larger than 512kb which pastebin allows.

i was able to reproduce that, not sure what is going on?

did not see anything in the debug log...

It's probably also worth noting that after trying to save something, if you try again with the same filename and directory you get the "The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file" until you shutdown the rclone process and reopen it.

I dont know if that helps? but thats more info anyway

These are the -vv logs specifically from when I attempt to save using word. (using the --vfs-cache-mode full arg). I'm not knowledgeable enough to decipher this, but hopefully someone here is?

one thing i noticed in both debug logs, that size=0

mode1.png: vfs cache: truncate to size=0
Work/thiswillcauseanerror.docx: vfs cache: truncate to size=0

google offers a gdrive application for windows, might test that?

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Yeah, I use the google drive application at home. Unfortunately the goal here is to try and mount it as a drive on the PCs at University, hence why I'm using webDAV currently as it doesnt require admin rights like install winSCP would...

windows explorer can access ftp
so might try rclone serve ftp

1 Like

Could work? But not ideal.. I've tried it but you can't mount it as a drive, only as a network location meaning software that requires a proper filesystem such as MATLAB or other CAD software don't work with it, and they're the main reason I want this :sob:.

Tbf there is no reason the webDAV solution shouldn't work...

ok, but did it work or not, could you save a word doc file or save using the snipping tool?

For saving word docs specifically yes (word appears to have its own FTP thing going on), but thats not the main use for what I have.

i understand that, just trying to debug this, narrow done the issue.

using ftp, could you save a file using snipping tool?

and what about issues mentioned at

No trying to save it to ftp://localhost:2121 just resulted in a blank explorer page and an error when trying to save. But that might be more snipping tool's FTP abilities than to do with rclone.

I didn't think those were issues that were relevant to me? I dont have any level of authentication on the webDAV, which means windows should be fine connecting without ssl. It does also connect without SSL with no error. Which I think also makes the office issue irrelevant?

I've just figured out aswell, I can save things to the webDAV as long as the file existed before. (e.g. opening an existing file on the webdav, editing and saving it). Tested in word, but appears as though overwriting a file when saving in snipping tool also works, just not a new file.

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