Cannot mount drive in powershell

I would like to use terminal commands (no GUI) while troubleshooting, it is easier to communicate.

Lets take it bit by bit.

Do you see your drive with rclone?

./rclone lsd yourRemote:

performed as your normal user in a (normal) PowerShell started in C:\rclone

So if I mount a folder within the drive, it will appear in windows explorer but is empty
though within the GUI explorer, I can see files and folders

PS C:\rclone> ./rclone lsd yourRemote:
2022/08/16 19:58:52 Failed to create file system for "yourRemote:": didn't find section in config file
PS C:\rclone>

apologies (my bad)

yes if I type remote name it works (shows folders)

PS C:\rclone> ./rclone lsd gdrive:
-1 2021-04-29 20:20:02 -1 Test 1
-1 2021-04-29 20:20:02 -1 Test 2
-1 2022-06-15 21:49:00 -1 Test 3
-1 2022-08-16 11:29:52 -1 xyz
PS C:\rclone>

No problem, we all make mistakes.

Now try the plain simple

./rclone mount gdrive: z:

I assume Z: is free otherwise pick another letter

:heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :star_struck: :100: :boom: :dizzy: :100:

simple - it works

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Awesome Ole :+1:

Happy to help and glad we succeeded :smile:

Now you can add one parameter at the time, but try to keep it as simple as possible.

If you share your primary use then we may be able to recommend some settings.

At this stage, being able to map the folder is all I need as the intention is to sync backups with 3rd party software.

I'll keep it simple for now - thankyou for your time.

Hopefully this will help some other Newbie

... appears the secret (for standard user) is the "./" at the beginning

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