Can rclone judges files are the same if the local mtime is older than the remote? For backend which can't modify mtime

Can rclone judges files are the same if the local modification time is older than the remote?
I am writing a backend which sets file's time to upload time, and doesn't support setting mtime, and its md5 maybe incorrect.
For example, I created a file in local at 8 o'clock, uploaded it to remote at 9 o'clock, if I run sync later, rclone will think the file in local and remote are different, because the time difference(+1h) is greater than the precision(1s).
But as long as if the modification time in local is older than the remote, we can say these files are the same, because once it has been modified, the mtime will newer than the remote.
What do you think?

You can use --size-only and work that way. You can use --checksum only and work that way.

You can use:

  -u, --update                               Skip files that are newer on the destination.

For that.

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