Can rclone get Dropbox share link?

Hello! I just learned about rclone the other day from some folks who were using but have gotten frustrated with it.

So far I am really liking rclone and have started porting some of my scripts that use to use rclone instead.

One feature that I use with that I can't seem to find in rclone is that can query Dropbox and return a "Share" URL, so if I have a file I want to share with someone, I do: share "/folder/names/to/foo.pdf"

and it will return a Dropbox link that I can use to share foo.pdf with people. I use this feature fairly frequently (a couple times each week, at least) and if I can do it with rclone all the better, but I haven't been able to suss out how to do that and googling around did not lead anywhere helpful.

Thanks for your time!

~ Tj


Of course I found it as soon as I posted. In case anyone else wondered about this:

rclone link "dropbox:/folder/names/to/foo.pdf"

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