Cache polling not working

I am using the latest beta version of rclone. (rclone-v1.40-020-g9b140b42#U03b2-linux-amd64). Running as follows… “/root/rclone-v1.40-020-g9b140b42#U03b2-linux-amd64/rclone mount --dir-cache-time=1m --cache-workers=5 --cache-info-age=24h --attr-timeout=1s -vv --log-file=/home/bh/cache.log --allow-other gdriveenc3: /mnt/gdriveenc”

I have my setup as gdrive -> Cache -> crypt.

Cache has been built. So I went to another system and added a file by doing an rclone move. The file makes it to gdrive, the system with plexdrive sees it… the rclone cache system gets the notification, says it is purging the directory but file still doesn’t appear. Details below.

So first copied a file called “test.file” which I copied over to what would be the tv/Monk directory. Plexdrive system sees the file.

root@Krandor2:/home/owner# ls /mnt/gdrive/tv/Monk
banner.jpg Season 01 Season 03 Season 05 Season 07 season-all-banner.jpg test.file

On the system with rclone cache, it detects it, marks it forgotten but then adds a message of “ignoring non-cached file notification”

2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : Google drive root 'enc': Checking for changes on remote
2018/03/27 23:21:05 INFO  : tv/Monk/test.file: received cache expiry notification
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 04/.meta: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 04: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 06/.meta: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 06: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 01/.meta: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 01: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 05/.meta: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 05: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 08/.meta: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 08: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 07/.meta: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 07: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 03/.meta: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 03: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 02/.meta: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 02: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : tv/Monk: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : Cache remote gdrivecache:enc: ignoring change notification for non cached entry tvvohkcnn3evfo5aej90n11fi0/gph0bgdh4ee64s25n76q62v4dc/gg3vfi2nhf30hglmlq3k53pi8k
2018/03/27 23:21:05 DEBUG : Google drive root 'enc': All changes were processed. Waiting for more.

Then when I do a directory, test.file does not show up

root@vader:~# ls /mnt/gdriveenc/tv/Monk
banner.jpg  Season 01            Season 03            Season 05            Season 07            season-all-banner.jpg       tvshow.nfo
cover.jpg   season01-poster.jpg  season03-poster.jpg  season05-poster.jpg  season07-poster.jpg  season-all-poster.jpg
fanart.jpg  season01.tbn         season03.tbn         season05.tbn         season07.tbn         season-all.tbn
folder.jpg  Season 02            Season 04            Season 06            Season 08            season-specials-poster.jpg
Monk.jpg    season02-poster.jpg  season04-poster.jpg  season06-poster.jpg  season08-poster.jpg  season-specials.tbn
poster.jpg  season02.tbn         season04.tbn         season06.tbn         season08.tbn         series.xml

And logs from the ls command

2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : /: Lookup: name="tv"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : : Re-reading directory (4m8.495883384s old)
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : Cache remote gdrivecache:enc: list ''
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : : list: warm 17 from cache for: enc, expiring on: 2018-03-28 23:10:35.507101132 +0000 UTC
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : : list: cached entries: [0fk61mjerpakh42lva4dcoi1lo 2pgot41h1tl2ajurpnie8qa0mk 3dur3omujlmo786i8r9boq3cac 4eu3hik7i1d8p6verepollkidoajp15f1id19n38gl8u7td9kn7kf6v3dqjsj2c85p9psl0aoabjd6nkv3rc2a6md3s7kqgs6tdirc0 64mce4tih0e54ffruakjc0fi5c 6d2u0modbfbq4rq29pv5fp9h68 6ss93qnj5brlmdk7msk5o7dpmc ak1ja50qvaa55tmc3avvuk6mbo cvlc9k7jr4v6fjfnc5uhooj99ms876d3du8c9jkb6du5rbab27shnr05a43loflguag1ujvvv8th8pdi4rkf4eu3uk9heti5kn5kj2g dqpshffs1udik06f6hlu72bsc8 e6r433c4iq5jdhi1s1rgbv3io4 e720nr6tkmhgp55o9hqa7fjtcg41c1tomqdk49kf937nq53trtv2carorqam1uvvvjgg4eog6n1ck g88cdjqudd2a08ii8tb57fdnhg o5taasbdbgmh8pp6j5mgunevrc tvvohkcnn3evfo5aej90n11fi0 v96p5gr6mtqdbnhtgri59b795o vkdhr8330m95kq4sspmeherhno]
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : /: >Lookup: node=tv/, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : /: Lookup: name="tv"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : /: >Lookup: node=tv/, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/: Lookup: name="Monk"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv: Re-reading directory (4m8.496056811s old)
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : Cache remote gdrivecache:enc: list 'tvvohkcnn3evfo5aej90n11fi0'
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tvvohkcnn3evfo5aej90n11fi0: list: warm 680 from cache for: enc/tvvohkcnn3evfo5aej90n11fi0, expiring on: 2018-03-28 23:11:03.271378769 +0000 UTC
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tvvohkcnn3evfo5aej90n11fi0: list: cached entries: 
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: ReadDirAll:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : Cache remote gdrivecache:enc: list 'tvvohkcnn3evfo5aej90n11fi0/gph0bgdh4ee64s25n76q62v4dc'
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tvvohkcnn3evfo5aej90n11fi0/gph0bgdh4ee64s25n76q62v4dc: list: warm 37 from cache for: enc/tvvohkcnn3evfo5aej90n11fi0/gph0bgdh4ee64s25n76q62v4dc, expiring on: 2018-03-28 23:10:59.02173734 +0000 UTC
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tvvohkcnn3evfo5aej90n11fi0/gph0bgdh4ee64s25n76q62v4dc: list: cached entries: 
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >ReadDirAll: item=37, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="Monk.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/Monk.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Monk.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Monk.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=110466 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="Season 01"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/Season 01/, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 01/: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 01/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="Season 02"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/Season 02/, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 02/: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 02/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="Season 03"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/Season 03/, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 03/: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 03/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="Season 04"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/Season 04/, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 04/: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 04/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="Season 05"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/Season 05/, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 05/: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 05/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="Season 06"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/Season 06/, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 06/: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 06/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="Season 07"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/Season 07/, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 07/: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 07/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="Season 08"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/Season 08/, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 08/: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/Season 08/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="banner.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/banner.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/banner.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/banner.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=65059 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="cover.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/cover.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/cover.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/cover.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=110466 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="fanart.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/fanart.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/fanart.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/fanart.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=124122 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="folder.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/folder.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/folder.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/folder.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=110466 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="poster.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/poster.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/poster.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/poster.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=110466 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season-all-banner.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season-all-banner.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season-all-banner.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season-all-banner.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=65059 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season-all-poster.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season-all-poster.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season-all-poster.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season-all-poster.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=110466 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season-all.tbn"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season-all.tbn, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season-all.tbn: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season-all.tbn: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=110466 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season-specials-poster.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season-specials-poster.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season-specials-poster.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season-specials-poster.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=49707 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season-specials.tbn"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season-specials.tbn, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season-specials.tbn: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season-specials.tbn: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=49707 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season01-poster.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season01-poster.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season01-poster.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season01-poster.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=78320 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season01.tbn"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season01.tbn, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season01.tbn: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season01.tbn: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=78320 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season02-poster.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season02-poster.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season02-poster.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season02-poster.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=65496 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season02.tbn"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season02.tbn, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season02.tbn: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season02.tbn: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=65496 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season03-poster.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season03-poster.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season03-poster.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season03-poster.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=36175 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season03.tbn"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season03.tbn, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season03.tbn: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season03.tbn: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=36175 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season04-poster.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season04-poster.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season04-poster.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season04-poster.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=44239 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season04.tbn"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season04.tbn, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season04.tbn: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season04.tbn: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=44239 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season05-poster.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season05-poster.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season05-poster.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season05-poster.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=67265 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season05.tbn"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season05.tbn, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season05.tbn: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season05.tbn: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=67265 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season06-poster.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season06-poster.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season06-poster.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season06-poster.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=80863 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season06.tbn"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season06.tbn, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season06.tbn: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season06.tbn: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=80863 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season07-poster.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season07-poster.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season07-poster.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season07-poster.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=95720 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season07.tbn"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season07.tbn, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season07.tbn: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season07.tbn: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=95720 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season08-poster.jpg"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season08-poster.jpg, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season08-poster.jpg: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season08-poster.jpg: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=81855 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="season08.tbn"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/season08.tbn, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season08.tbn: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/season08.tbn: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=81855 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="series.xml"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/series.xml, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/series.xml: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/series.xml: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=2637 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: Lookup: name="tvshow.nfo"
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/: >Lookup: node=tv/Monk/tvshow.nfo, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/tvshow.nfo: Attr:
2018/03/27 23:22:23 DEBUG : tv/Monk/tvshow.nfo: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=1984 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2018/03/27 23:22:41 DEBUG : Cache remote gdrivecache:enc: starting cleanup

This is my config (snipped of course).

type = drive
client_id =
client_secret =
token =

type = cache
remote = gdrivenoenc:
plex_url = http://localhost:32400
plex_username =
plex_password =
chunk_size = 10M
chunk_total_size = 64G
plex_token =

type = crypt
remote = gdrivecache:/enc
filename_encryption = standard
password =
password2 =

please see/watch this issue for updates:

I saw that issue but I’m not adding directories. I’m simply adding a file to an existing directory. In my example the monk directory is already there and I just created a file test-file in it.

Is this still hitting the same issue?

if the parent dir of the new file is not in the cache, it is not invalidated. try doing a “ls /path/to/rclonemount/subdir/” first before adding the file. i am pretty sure it will appear.

and yes, the mentioned issue will fix this.

I did. I did an ls of tv/monk then added the file then did an ls again afterwards and file wasn’t there.

Since I am seeing an error about dir not in cache even though it should have been guess we’ll see what happens when the issue is fixed.

For now I’ve lowered info age back to 6h. Don’t like having to wait that long and definitely don’t like having to rescan all directories every 6 hours but it does work.

As soon as the issue fix hits a beta I’ll test it out.

Hold on. My info age is 24h but my dir cache is 1m. Is the dir cache expiring going to cause this? Would increasing dir cache help short term?

I have the same issue that’s being described here, temporarily working around it with

The thing that I find interesting (and it may just be a log thing) is that when it says it is invalidatring the directory it lists the unencrytped name but when it claims the directory isn’t cached it lists the encrypted name. Not sure if that matters or not.

2018/03/28 13:15:30 DEBUG : tv/Justice League/Season 01: forgetting directory cache
2018/03/28 13:15:30 DEBUG : Cache remote gdrivecache:enc: ignoring change notification for non cached entry tvvohkcnn3evfo5aej90n11fi0/6t7du3d7qvoqqhndse8onq9um4/iupper1d9ur6jisdskrnlbd55s/76k2864j4vkeupq0dvak5l81rbfn5fijo2hkmu9dtu9juaheok0csbtovei27rm9hquhqjndng2o0i4bajse2s0avpfr71q0q7gcimdpj3gmmo023shfbtr4r7m5pfk2

Thanks for the tip on plexautoupdate. Just set it up and working great. Even has the ncie advantage of only scanning the file added which is much better then my current scan my whole library every 1 hour setting.

1 Like

Yeah I’d still be using it even if polling was working 100% as you say it’s quicker/more elegant to do a small section scan.

Depends on how you define more elegant as for me, any extra software makes it more cumbersome. I rather just let a cached scan happen. The only full scans happen for the Movies and TV shows already just scan their particular section. I rather less pieces of software to make it more elegant for me :slight_smile:

Try this beta please:

It has a fix for directories not being expired when files are changed

Ran some initial tests and looks like it is working better now. Will do some more testing through the day.

Thanks Remus for working on this.

1 Like

Ditto, also seeing the fact it works better - will report with anything if it changes.

is this problem solved?
I ask becuase i decided to set info_age = 20d because files never change, but with this configuration new episodes (i’m using with tv_show, with this naming /Serie_name/season) copied into existing dir are not seen by rclone.
The only way is to give manually cache/expire.
When my info_age was set to 6h i had all files seen every 6 hrs.

Is there a way to make rclone see added files in existing dir without waiting info_age expiration?

This is my configuration

type = cache
remote = xxxxxxxx:
plex_url = http://localhost:32400
plex_username = XXXXXXXXX@XXXXXX.XX
plex_password = *** ENCRYPTED ***
chunk_size = 10M
info_age = 20d
chunk_total_size = 10G
plex_token = XXXXXXXXXXX

If you have an issue, please open a new topic as this is mighty old and was corrected.