Bug report, rclone-v1.49.5.xxx

I use qbittorrent + gdrive + win10 also. Haven't seen any problems like this, but that might just be cause I haven't used any torrents with that spesific character.

Do you have a sample torrent that makes a problem I can test? (PM me if it is something you don't want to post public). it is always useful if we can independently verify the problem on a separate system.

I wrote a bug report like below two months ago.

Bug report, rclone-v1.49.5.xxx bug

Can you tell me more please? What exactly is the problem? I think this is probably caused by rclone's new escaping system for characters which can't be represented. Can you cut and paste some logs please so I can examine the unicode characters? Thanks

And besides me, someone else reported a similar problem.


Symbol ‛ auto added before character "?""

opened Nov 12, 2019

a-box a-box

What is the problem you are having with rclone? Symbol ` auto added before character "?" Problem existed only on 1.50 or newer,...


The developer has provided the link below.

On windows
<(less than)

(greater than)
: (colon)
"(double quote)
/ (forward slash)
\ (backslash)
| (vertical bar or pipe)
? (question mark)

  • (asterisk)

I understand that the intention you're trying to explain is because Characters is pre-assigned to Windows. Is that correct?

Of course, many of the above characters that can be entered directly from the keyboard cannot be used as folder names or file names.

People using Windows know this by default. Windows not only warns you, but also stipulates that you cannot use these characters as folder names or file names.

However, characters that you type in special character formats can be used.

The special character "/" is different from "/" which can be directly input from the keyboard.
The special character "?" is different from "?" Which can be entered directly from the keyboard.

I waited a long time.
I am currently using rclone version 1.49.5.

When will the best beta version be available for special characters?

What I tested is the Tixati portable version.
The download link is https://www.tixati.com/download/
Test torrent magnet address


"/" is Special character.
RaiDrive, ExpanDrive, Drive File Stream and rclone 1.49.5 are no problem. The problem starts with rclone 1.49.5 later.

Please just use the issue so ncw doesn't have to respond in two places.