- Trying to Mount Drive on Synology -

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I am unable to open the Verification Link (for provided when doing the configuration -

I am SSH into my Synology

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

Paste command here

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

Paste config here
Paste  log here

hello and welcome to the forum,

by default, to use box with rclone, need a web browser.

you have at least two workarounds

  1. use remote setup,
    in this case, choose N
Remote config
Use auto config?
 * Say Y if not sure
 * Say N if you are working on a remote or headless machine
  1. as per the docs, use JWT authentication
    "The initial setup for Box involves getting a token from Box which you can do either in your browser, or with a config.json downloaded from Box to use JWT authentication"

Hello - Thanks for the reply,

Yes I am using SSH from my Windows 10 PC - which has chrome installed -
But the browser will not open the provided link.. as far as the config.json file - I will try to retrieve that from box

Also just to mention - end goal is the Mount my Box drive onto the Synology to add to Plex

no problem, i run rclone on a synbox.

link, what link???

you should see something like this?

Use auto config?
 * Say Y if not sure
 * Say N if you are working on a remote or headless machine

y) Yes (default)
n) No
y/n> n
Option config_token.
For this to work, you will need rclone available on a machine that has
a web browser available.
For more help and alternate methods see:
Execute the following on the machine with the web browser (same rclone
version recommended):
        rclone authorize "box" "eyJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJhc2RmIiwiY2xpZW50X3NlY3JldCI6ImFkc2YifQ"
Then paste the result.
Enter a value.

or just run rclone config on the pc and then copy the config file to the synbox.

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I believe i see where I messed up - sorry new to this -

Just to clarify - I need to run the config on my Syn - up to this point above -

Then switch to my PC with RClone installed - and run Rclone Authorize “box”xxxxxxx


that is correct.
can do - Configuring by copying the config file

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Thanks that worked I was able to authorize it and add the drive…. Now trying to figure out how to mount haha


So I was able to add the drive and see it listed when SSH - under df -h

But my Synology keeps giving me an error the user has not been assigned proper privileges to perform this action (in FileStation)

ok, keep in mind, cannot see into your computer, so please post
--- the exact command
--- config file, redact/delete the id/secret/token values
--- screen snippet of the filestation error.

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I mount the drive Via - SSH Command - rclone mount —daemon “box drive:” /volume1/homes/usr/box

Df-h will list boxdrive:
ls /volume1/homes/usr/box - will display box content

If then go over to File station and navigate to /volume1/homes/usr/box

  • Sorry, this user account has not been assigned proper privileges to perform this action

Thanks agin for all the help - sorry all dumb questions

try adding --allow-other

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Yo jojothehumanmonkey - thank you very very much for your assistance these last few days - IT WORKED

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