Bisync: Failed to read metadata: operation error S3: HeadObject & error reading hash from underlying

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

In the current run of bisync during the first 2 hours there are almost 500 instances of errors like:

2024/12/23 09:14:53 NOTICE: 瀝歃促沩燍餿侔䉌奟/牵纥涄梏㽡頹㽽ᣇ钩␙㘄蓽駯╉ᕩ黚汶ʟ: Failed to read metadata: operation error S3: HeadObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 10, https response error StatusCode: 0, RequestID: , HostID: , request send failed, Head "": net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: malformed MIME header line: X-Amz-Meta-E2iid: 瀝歃促沩燍餿侔䉌奟/牵纥涄梏㽡頹㽽ᣇ钩㘄蓽駯╉ᕩ黚汶ʟ

Then after bisync went on to the stage of marking individual files OK errors like this:

2024/12/23 11:25:07 ERROR : PKMS/omnivore export/CSV test/metadata_420_to_440.json: error reading hash from underlying 瀫恷䋇䒏䝪樝煆熟鷟/㟭揣韍樬博霟霂緦囟/媍ꑊ㒀Ꮬ讦䣕辥邏號/ҭ䁎櫴濋⻑敗餰Ⱊ疐祋西身瑢蓮棰㛅␗ɟ: operation error S3: HeadObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 10, https response error StatusCode: 0, RequestID: , HostID: , request send failed, Head "": net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: malformed MIME header line: X-Amz-Meta-E2iid: 瀫恷䋇䒏䝪樝煆熟鷟/㟭揣韍樬博霟霂緦囟/媍ꑊ㒀Ꮬ讦䣕辥邏號/ҭ䁎櫴濋⻑敗餰Ⱊ疐祋西身瑢蓮棰㛅ɟ

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone v1.68.2
- os/version: ubuntu 22.04 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 5.15.0-127-generic (x86_64)
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.23.3
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: none

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

I was previously using a hasher but I thought it may help this issue to drop it which is also in line with steps that have been recommended to troubleshoot other issues: Avoiding Bisync ‘times are equal’ conflicts with newer? .

rclone bisync "idrive-sync-crypt:/" "/home/salty/sync/" --check-access --fast-list --verbose --filter-from=/home/salty/.config/rclone/filters --links --compare size,modtime,checksum --log-file="$temp_log" --error-on-no-transfer --conflict-resolve newer --resilient --recover -vv

Please run 'rclone config redacted' and share the full output. If you get command not found, please make sure to update rclone.

type = s3
provider = IDrive
access_key_id = XXX
secret_access_key = XXX
acl = private
endpoint =
bucket_acl = private
no_check_bucket = true
server_side_encryption = aws:kms

type = crypt
remote = idrive-sync:sync
password = XXX
password2 = XXX
filename_encoding = base32768

type = hasher
remote = idrive-sync-crypt:
hashes = md5
max_age = 3M
auto_size = 107374182400

A log from the command that you were trying to run with the -vv flag

I have debugging enabled but the log contains a lot file names with personal information. I have a script to obfuscate all file and directory names but it is slow to parse and map every file or directory name to something random, especially in a large log. I can share this if necessary or I could search for anything in particular relevant?

The run yesterday ended with:

2024/12/23 13:36:31 ERROR : Bisync critical error: failed to open source object: operation error S3: GetObject, failed to get rate limit token, retry quota exceeded, 0 available, 5 requested
2024/12/23 13:36:31 ERROR : Bisync aborted. Must run --resync to recover.

The final INFO update before this reads:

2024/12/23 13:35:43 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	   24.272 MiB / 24.649 MiB, 98%, 77.184 KiB/s, ETA 5s
Errors:               231 (retrying may help)
Checks:            108461 / 108461, 100%
Deleted:                2 (files), 0 (dirs), 224.745 KiB (freed)
Renamed:              382
Transferred:          788 / 866, 91%
Server Side Copies:     1 @ 1.717 KiB
Server Side Moves:    381 @ 3.635 MiB
Elapsed time:    4h23m0.0s

I let a resync run manually over night which I just accidentally terminated but I could see many of the same errors in terminal and progress showed the error count at ~490 after 15 hours.

The script I use to notify of rclone errors did not pick these up so I did not catch these sooner but I will modify it for the future.

Is there anything I could try here short of deleting the remote and then resyncing?