Best mount settings for streaming ( Plex )

@Meowingtons I have tried twice to switch away from acdcli (to rclone) for my mount. Each time it seems to degrade over the course of the day to the point where when I sit down in the evening to watch plex I get frustrated and switch back over to acdcli and it instantly is quicker startup times for movies / shows.
rclone version
rclone v1.35-164-g488353cβ
I did my best to follow the guide here:
I’m wondering if setting the buffer size down more would assist… ?
Here’s my mount sript:

I’m using GDrive now and it’s much stable-er. Just need to finish uploading all my content. Gonna just use ACD as a backup from now on

Mind sharing your mount script for that?
I’m also looking into sharing. How did you assure when you rclone’d stuff between sites you didn’t get a 24 hour ban ?

I’m using this mount command

rclone mount --allow-non-empty --allow-other --read-only --verbose --buffer-size=375M gdriveCrypt:/ /var/lib/plexmediaserver/.gdriveCrypt/

I’ve also set Plex to use /dev/shm as the transcoding directory

I have no problem with acd. But i mounted both drives and i have every file as “version” tracked from my pms. So the user can just switch the file if he has an problem.

That’s a good idea except for most of the apps can’t choose which version they play :frowning:

? on IOS, Rasplex and Web its possible. I havent checkt more by myself

On Android & Android TV you can’t choose the version :confused:

On android at least u can click the three dots and choose “play version”. I don’t have an android TV, but it should be the same.

Anyone else experiencing stretches where they get a lot of timeout errors accessing files with node-gdrive-fuse?

I am running into a lot of problems with node-gdrive-fuse right now, can’t get it to work properly to save my life. Downloads a couple megabytes then the download dies. Not having too much luck with rclone either atm.

Hmm, I just tested downloading manually through the web interface and some of my downloads did that exact same thing. Perhaps there’s an issue on Google’s end. Either that or perhaps some form of passive-aggressive throttling.

Edit: Come to think of it, I am getting a lot of errors closing files when scanning. Assumed that was normal and just an unresolved glitch with node-gdrive-fuse, but I suppose this could be maxing out connections on Google’s end if indeed they are left open.

That’s an interesting theory, but not something I’ve been plagued with, and I’ve used node-gdrive-fuse for several months. I find it unlikely that it’s a coincidence we’re both having the same issue at the same time.

Are you seeing any errors to this effect in the output? I seem to cycle between getting tons of them for a period of time as I am right now, and things going back to normal. I suppose it could also be something caused by my server configuration, but I’ve noticed it with two different servers in two different datacenters. Perhaps related to my Google account? shrug

2017-3-20T17:43::14 - error: There was an error while downloading files from google, retrying
2017-3-20T17:43::14 - error: code=ETIMEDOUT, errno=ETIMEDOUT, syscall=connect, address=, port=443


I have debug mode enabled for node-gdrive-fuse but I’ve never seen that, no. Just stuff like ‘chunk 0 opened, for file x.filetype’

On another note, I’ve currently switched to rclone which does seem to be working, however doesn’t want to play well with unionfs-fuse at all, so part of my library isn’t functional. With that in mind, perhaps this is a node-gdrive-fuse problem? Just spit balling, but is it possible node-gdrive-fuse has reached it’s API quota or something like that? Not sure what to think.

EDIT: After ~8 hours it’s back to normal again.

Oh yeah! Yay! I think that’s somewhat new. I guess you’re idea could be somewhat possible then!

So what’s the latest on the best mount settings for Plex streaming? Anyone willing to share their current setup?

This is my current mount:
rclone mount
–buffer-size 200M
acdcrypt: /home/kamos/media &

What are your current experiences with that setup? I’m wondering how you’re fairing compared to others.

I’ve been experiencing continually lower success rates for playing media with ACD. I started about at 90% success starting a video. I’d say I am now around 60-70%. Once a video starts though (after 2 or 3 frustrating tries), it is usually fairly bullet proof. I have found that UnionFS-fuse has issues with file size, sometimes showing a 0b file on random files which ACDE’s mount shows the full 35GB, so I have had to remove UnionFS-fuse from my Plex mounts. Specifically, it always shows 0b on my daughter’s favorite video. I use the following:

mkdir -p $mntpoint2
rclone mount \
	--allow-non-empty \
	--allow-other \
	--acd-templink-threshold 10G \
	--max-read-ahead 4G \
	--buffer-size 1G \
	--contimeout 15s \
	--low-level-retries 1 \
	--no-check-certificate \
	--quiet \
	--stats 0 \
	--retries 3 \
	--timeout 30s \
	$remoteshare2 $mntpoint2 &

I use this, not affect any error:

@reboot /bin/sleep 90; /usr/bin/rclone mount --read-only --allow-other --acd-templink-threshold 0 --stats 1s --buffer-size 1G --max-read-ahead 1G -v --log-file=/home/*******  ********:/ /home/*********

where put you this line in linux?