Best mount settings for streaming ( Plex )

Dunno if it helps, but basically along these lines:

This was my install on ubuntu 16.04 (not using rclone encryption)

Go and create your own api key:

Create a directory in your home directory
mkdir ~/.plexdrive
Create a file in this directory using a text editor, vi or nano, in this example i used vi

cd ~/.plexdrive

vi config.json

Add this using the details you got when you created your own api key

“clientId”: “add your id here”,
“clientSecret”: “add your secret here”

Download the binary release:

wget - Remember to always visit github and replace this link with the latest download.

Rename the file to plexdrive for easy execute.

mv plexdrive-linux-amd64 plexdrive

Put it somewhere, I put mine in /usr/local/bin but you could put it in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin
If you chose a different location you will need to change the paths below

sudo mv plexdrive /usr/local/bin/

sudo cd /usr/local/bin/

sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/plexdrive

sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/plexdrive

Create a directory you want to mount it on

mkdir /path/to/mount

then mount it

(It has been suggested to run in a screen to allow the cache to be made)

screen -S plexdrive

(depending on where you put it you may or may not need sudo in the following command)

sudo plexdrive -fuse-options allow_other -log-level 3 /path/to/mount (This is the mount directory you created above)

To detach from the screen press CTRL+A Then the D key.

screen -r plexdrive to go back onto the screen.

When it starts, It should give some instructions to authenticate your google drive

Follow the instructions and Wait… It will take some time to create the cache.

You should then see your google drive at /path/to/mount